Tuesday, August 30, 2011

they wanted me to be the dream.

In 2005, I saw Kelly Osbourne for the first time. She was a few feet away from me, and when I had my chance to say something to her, I froze. I sat silently, in complete awe of my idol. Six years later, I finally got my chance to meet Kelly for real. Today was a dream come true.

Monday, August 29, 2011

fashion tribute: ashley benson

The summer finale of Pretty Little Liars is tomorrow. (Or today, depending on when you're reading this!) In honour of this bittersweet event, I am devoting this post to my favourite Liar, Ashley Benson. I love her fashion choices. She always looks polished and elegant, but fun and edgy as well. She brings subtle drama to the red carpet in the colours, patterns, and textures she wears. Ashley Benson always looks amazing, on or off screen!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

love and chaos.

The last couple of days have been amazing. I actually got to enjoy the weekend - no work, just desperately needed relaxation. This post is dedicated to the little things I am loving at the moment. I love getting ready to go out. There is something special about being able to take your time getting ready, and really enjoying the experience. And I love an excuse to be a little more dramatic with my makeup.

Friday, August 26, 2011

makeup tutorial: bella vida

If you watched the prematurely canceled ABC Of Tourism show, Huge, you know Hayley Hasselhoff as the sweet but complex, Amber. If you didn't watch, you probably knows her as David Hasselhoff's daughter. Hayley and her sister, Taylor, make up the music duo Bella Vida.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

inspiration post.

A little while ago, I came across some photographs that really struck me. There was something so breathtaking about them. Their connection with nature, the beautiful makeup, and the arresting emotion they convey.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

it is necessary to write, if the days are not to slip emptily by.

I remember when I knew I wanted to be a writer. I was eleven, maybe twelve. Though I had always liked writing things - songs, poems, and short stories, this time was different.

Monday, August 22, 2011

the quickest way to know a woman is to go shopping with her.

Despite my recent efforts to be better with my money, I ended up doing a bit of shopping on Saturday. Instead of feeling guilty, I am madly in love with everything I bought. I am sure there are some shopaholics out there who understand! This is just a quick shopping haul post!

Friday, August 19, 2011

but i'm going to follow through.

Hi everyone! This is just going to be a super quick post. An article I wrote about Emma Stone's fashion style is up on younghollywood.com, so check it out if you're interested! Emma Stone: Hollywood's Newest Style Icon?

Hope you all have a great weekend!

xo Shannon

Thursday, August 18, 2011

a hundred hearts would be too few.

A little while ago, I made a post about my favourite singer, Scott MacIntyre. He is getting married today, so I thought it only fitting to post about wedding dresses! TLC's wedding shows on Friday nights make my week. It is so much fun to drool over all of the gorgeous dresses. Here are some of my favourite dresses at the moment....

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

makeup tutorial: emma stone - the help premiere

Emma Stone has been all over the big screen this summer. Presently, she has three movies in theaters. Impressive! Even more impressive, is her red carpet makeup. Emma consistently captures simple, chic, and wearable style. She showcased this most recently, at the premiere of her latest movie, The Help. Emma's makeup is flirty, pretty, and simple. Here is how to recreate this red carpet look.

Monday, August 15, 2011

there is a harmony in autumn, and a luster in its sky.

Summer is nearly over. Somehow, we are halfway through August, and fall inches closer. It amazes me how quickly hot summer months always seem to pass. Which is why I was startled when I came across pictures of the fall 2011 collection from H&M. The photos feature the stunning Russian model, Sasha Pivovarova. Below are some of the photographs from the campaign.

What I am really loving about this collection is the colour palate - deep brown shades are mixed with warm corals, burnt oranges, warm yellows, and cream. The contrast looks breathtaking and is perfect for fall! The line also incorporates coppery metallics, knee high boots, and stylishly simple accessories. I am excited to see which of these great fall trends will find its way into my wardrobe!

With autumn almost here, what trends are you most looking forward to?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

outfit of the day!

Yesterday I went out with some friends. I was really excited to see them all, but sad to say goodbye to one of them! In honour of the occasion, however, I thought I would make an outfit of the day post!

Friday, August 12, 2011

a house without books is like a room without windows.

There is no beauty in being a book snob.

A few days ago, I began reading a book titled, "So Many Books, So Little Time: A Year Of Passionate Reading" by Jessica Blanton Nelson. The premise was promising - chronicling the authors' goal of reading a book a week for one year. Unfortunately, it has been a challenging read...I can't get past my resentment, caused by the third chapter.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

the dreams of the future.

A month ago today, I started this blog. I am aware that a month isn't a terrifically long period of time, but this mini-milestone means something to me. Working on this blog has been incredibly rewarding. It keeps me writing and has allowed me find a place to channel my creativity. Working on this blog makes me happy. So, to anyone in the last month who has read, commented, or been kind enough to follow, thank you.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

one lovely blog award.

I was awarded the one lovely blog award by Leah! Completely made my day. You can check out her blog here! So here are the rules:

01. Link back to the person that gave you this award.
02. Write seven random facts about yourself.
03. Nominate other bloggers.

Monday, August 8, 2011

the most beautiful makeup of a woman is passion.

"I love the confidence that makeup gives me."
- Tyra Banks

I went to Sephora. This means only one thing, really....new makeup! There's something inexplicably thrilling about wandering around that store. Maybe it is weaving through throngs of people, the energetic buzz of creativity, or the endless possibilities around you. Whatever it is, I love every moment of it. So, this is what I bought...

Sunday, August 7, 2011

katy perry makeup tutorial.

Katy Perry looked flawless at the premiere for The Smurfs. Not only did she don a white Smurfette sequined dress, but her makeup was amazing. A sultry combination of drama and fun, Katy rocked the premiere. This look is pretty dramatic, but it's also really cute! So if you're going out, consider giving this look a try.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

product review: dove go fresh rebalance body wash

A few days ago, I received a sample of the new Dove Go Fresh Rebalance Body Wash. The body wash I had been using was almost finished, so it was the perfect time to try a new product.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

you don't take a photograph, you ask quietly to borrow it.

There is something beautiful about photography. Being able to capture life's simple moments in a single frame....perfection.

I took this today and liked it for some reason. I hope you do too.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

a work of art is a confession.

Makeup is not simply a tool in the quest for beauty. It is the expression of our inner selves. Through colours and textures, it can portray feelings and thoughts, and convey mood and personality. Makeup is a reflection of the person wearing it.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

we live not according to reason, but according to fashion.

Fashion is a statement. It is confidence. It is art. Whether the clothes you wear are inexpensive or from an influential designer, the style you bring to clothing is what creates fashion.

This is why Victoria Beckham is one of my fashion icons. In both what she wears and what she creates, Victoria understands implicitly how to blend creativity with classic elegance. Her style covers all the bases of good fashion - class, glamour, edge, and youthfulness, all while remaining current. She is never afraid to take risks, yet doesn't rely on them to be fashion forward. Her use of colour, texture, and accessories effectively creates dynamic fashion.

Victoria Beckham has it all: Poise. Glamour. Sophistication.
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