Sunday, August 28, 2011

love and chaos.

The last couple of days have been amazing. I actually got to enjoy the weekend - no work, just desperately needed relaxation. This post is dedicated to the little things I am loving at the moment. I love getting ready to go out. There is something special about being able to take your time getting ready, and really enjoying the experience. And I love an excuse to be a little more dramatic with my makeup.

Another thing I am loving at the moment? New shoes! I may have mentioned my shoe addiction before....I just love these shoes. They are suede and have this gorgeous lace. Perfection!

I haven't had a chance to watch the MTV VMA's yet, but I did catch the black carpet special. I always love watching the pre-shows to see who is wearing what. There were a lot of great gowns this year, but by far my favourite was worn by Victoria Justice. I love her makeup, especially that lip colour. And her dress! So beautiful! If that wasn't enough, her accessories were mixed metals and took her outfit to the next level. Absolutely stunning. She looked flawless.

Lastly, a few of the articles I've written for my internship are up on if you care to read any of them!
Hilary Duff: Moving Beyond Lizzie McGuire & The Child Star Curse
Lourdes Leon and Other Famous Offspring Strive to Make Their Own Names
The Sweet Smell of Success for Celebrity Scents

What did you do this weekend?


  1. Your eyes are really extremely gorgeous!!! I dun have such long lashes as urs, and ur shoes is beyond sexy :)

    Had a brief scroll thru ur articles btw, really talented, do write more pls :)


  2. your eyes are so beautiful!!
    lovely photos!!
    kisses from prague and have a wonderful day sweetie

  3. you have a beautiful eyes!! and you're incredibly beautiful :)

  4. i absolutely adore your shoes! and you look so pretty!

  5. Love your makeup and those shoes are just the lacy thing every pair of feet need!


    Lots of love from Sydney,

    x Kel

    talking blogger bullying

  6. That shoes are stunning! Love them! Want'em!:)))

    Lovely post!



  7. You are stunning, love your eyes, beautiful color and shape !
    Very nice blog, if you want we could follow each other, let me know if you follow my blog and I will surely follow back ! Kisses

    Fashion and Cookies

  8. you are gorgeous love the make up! those shoes are adorable definitely understand you on the shoe addiction and so true victoria justice looks amazing! also i watched most of the vmas and i was very disappointed!

  9. Thanks for your comments as always! I love reading your comments and your blog. I have to admit that the photo you've posted of Victoria Justice was one that I did actually think about doing on my post as well, but I decided against it as it wasn't something I would wear myself (but how HOT does she look!!) and you look absolutely amazing of course xx

  10. Those shoes are gorgeous to say the least! :) You are so pretty :D

  11. Great articles! My mom especially liked the White Diamonds shout's her fave lmao. You look amazing in that picture, I've always loved those eyes.

  12. Those shoes! Perfection. I also love the feeling you get after you step out of the shower and start getting ready for a date out in the town, or wherever :)

    Mary from ♥ ♥

  13. very nice, visit my blog, we can follow each others!

  14. You look lovely on the first pic! I love the lace shoes:)
    xx chris


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