Friday, September 16, 2011

blushing is the color of virtue.

There is something bewitching about blush. I love the way it can completely pull together a makeup look, or change it from day to night with a few simple sweeps across the cheeks. With each shade, are endless possibilities. It is only in the last couple of years I really started wearing blush. Previously, I owned one neutral colour I wore only on occasion. As my love for makeup has grown over the years, so has my appreciation for blush! As it is now, I have a bit of an obsession. I own a lot of different shades by a lot of different brands, and I am always willing to try out a new blush colour!

This is my blush collection thus far, along with my thoughts (good and bad!) on each of them. I tried to do swatches, but the colours are obviously fairly light, so they didn't turn out well and I chose not to include them. I apologize!

Sephora Colorista Palette Blushes
These blushes came in the Sephora Colorista Palette, and they are really fun to use! 1 is a really soft, natural pink. 2 is a super sparkly satin peach colour that I absolutely adore. It really adds a lot of glamour to a look! Lastly, 3 is a more toned-down version of the satin peach colour. Less sparkle, more shimmer, with hints of brown tones. Also really pretty! The blushes (and bronzers!) in this palette are all really fun to play with!

Almay in Blushing Pink
This was my first blush! Aww, memories. I don't use it too much now, but it is definitely a good blush for something really warm-toned, but natural looking. It is a pretty rosy-pink colour. Definitely good to have!

Joe in Bloom
This is one of my favourite blushes. It is PINK. I mean, BRIGHT pink. Great to add a bit of flirty drama to a look, or just kick things up a notch! This is just a really fun blush. It isn't overly pigmented, so the colour builds up really nicely.

Hard Candy Baked Blush in Honeymoon
I mentioned this blush in my last makeup haul post. I still adore it. I have been wearing this one to work a lot since I bought it! It's not too dramatic, but not too subtle either. And again, it gives such a beautiful glow to the skin! It is terrific!

NARS in Deep Throat
This is my favourite blush. Ever. In the entire world. I cannot even express the amount that I am in love with it. The colour is a beautiful warm tone, rosy with goldish tones in it, with a touch of shimmer. The quality is amazing, obviously, because it's NARS! Perfectly pigmented as well. Beautiful colour, beautiful product! I am madly in love with it.

Cover Girl Instant Cheekbones Contouring Blush
I picked this one up fairly recently, so I haven't tried it out too many times yet. The first colour is a really deep coraly colour which I adore, but it is a bit too dark for me. I like to mix a bit of that with the second colour, for a bit of drama that doesn't make me look like a train wreck! The third colour is a really pretty pale pink. There are a lot of options in this blush trio, and I am excited to really give them a try!

Maybelline New York Dream Mousse Blush in Pink Frosting and Peach Satin
I adore these mousse blushes! I get really dry skin, especially in the winter, so these work perfectly for me. They tend to get a lot of use in the colder months! 1 is the Pink Frosting colour, which is a nice, vibrant pink! I love it! It adds a beautiful pop of colour. 2 is Peach Satin, which is a warm, peachy tone - perfect for daytime looks. I highly recommend the dream mousse blushes!

And lastly.....

Wet n' Wild Color Icon in Berry Shimmer
This is one dramatic blush! I was intrigued by the deep berry colour and since Wet n' Wild is very inexpensive, I thought it would be a good way to test the colour on me. This blush is very pigmented, so when I am feeling extra glamorous, I tap my brush lightly in, tap off excess a few times and very lightly start applying the colour just to the apples of my cheeks. A little goes a very long way. This is a very dramatic, but very pretty blush shade. Definitely not for every day though!

So that is my blush collection thus far. I have been eyeballing a bunch of different NARS shades, and a couple of ELF ones as well.....

What is your all-time favourite blush?


  1. Looks like you love all ranges of pink hehe

  2. Looving all the blushes here!! Umm I'd say anything Clinique would work for me.

    style roulette

    PS: would love to invite you to join my turban headband giveaway at my blog, if you haven't yet!

  3. you have so many different blushes ( when compared to me) :D I have only 2 at the moment, but I have to agree that blush helps completely pull together a makeup look.
    Great post!

  4. like this post!
    my favorite blush is chanel

  5. You have so many blushes! wow!

    If you like CK parfumes dont forget to join my first giveaway here:

  6. i love blush! it gives your face that lil extra!

  7. wow, you have a big blush collection...I do not know so much about blushes...



  8. great post! :)

  9. Great post, just like you, I started to incorporate blush as I grew into make-up and playing with more dramatic looks. The only blush I've used in Mac, but I have been wanting a cream/mousse blush to attempt the glowly/dewy look. I think I'll try the dream mousse.

  10. I adore blushes! And you have so many that's awesome!

  11. What a great collection of blushes! Want to try them all!

  12. I love blush too and own several of the ones you listed. Which is awesome because now I know I must try the others you listed that I don't own.

    My favorite blush of all time would have to be Nars Orgasm. I love it. <3

    I highly recommend Elf Tickled Pink (which you are entered in the giveaway for) and Mellow Mauve. Both are such amazing shades.


  13. Wow you've got so many of them :D my favourite is the one I've been wearing most of the time and was my very first blush: the Reagille Make-up Blusher in no.7 :)

  14. pretty colors! i actually used to own the last blush and it was my fav! but sadly it fell on the floor and shattered into pieces!

  15. I like so much blush mousses. they look so natural on skin
    Have a nice day
    Jessica Blanton C.

  16. I never used to wear blush until about a year ago, and now I can't live without it. In fact, when I'm not wearing it, people say I look tired.

  17. i love those pictures, so clear :D I love your blog, all contents are amazing <3
    follow me if you love to, and i'll follow you back :)

  18. nice make-

  19. My mom's elizabeth arden blush on and etude's! HAHAHA


  20. I 'm not into that make-up thing and there are so many times that I get out of my house without make up on..However if I had to choose a thing, that would be blush :)

  21. I really like your blog! I never wear blush, maybe I should try in one time!


  22. Nars Orgasm has to be my favorite blush EVER. I absolutely adore the color, and it looks so natural.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  23. I love the #1 from the Sephora blush collection. I have been more into matte blushes and less into ones with shimmer. You have a lot of them! They all look so pretty :)

    Hope that you have had the chance to enter our Tiffany & Co. necklace giveaway!


  24. Wow. I only have one blusher. I feel naive now.

    London Last Night

  25. dang have quite the collection of blush! I use Revlon's Colorstay bronzer...but I'm thinking I need to try some pink tones!!

    'Like' on FB!

  26. I've seriously just started using blush two weeks ago. I totally love it. I'm now wondering why I didn't start using it earlier, I wish I did.


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