Friday, October 21, 2011

new makeup post!

Over the last little while, I have been trying not to buy new makeup, except what I actually need....I think that lasted for about three days. The problem is that I love trying out new products. There is something beautiful in trying something out, falling in love, and adding it to your makeup collection. Here are some of the things I've been trying out recently.

The first, is this beautiful red TopShop eyeliner I won before I went away, from the In The Light Of Style giveaway! The eyeliner colour is a beautiful deep red - just gorgeous! The consistency is very creamy and easy to use. What I love most about this, is that it lasts well throughout the day. I hate having to worry about if my makeup needs touch ups, so this is perfect!

Secondly, I picked up a few things for Halloween this year! The Fantasy Makers cream eyeshadows are perfect for my costume! I haven't had a chance to try them all out properly yet, but there are some really great colours in this set. Lots of red, gold, black, and all of them with tons of shimmer! I also bought a fantastic set of false eyelashes for the occasion. They are really dramatic and fun! I am so excited to get all dressed up for Halloween this year!

Next, I decided to try Maybelline's Great Lash Lots of Lashes mascara because I heard some great things about it! I've been using it for the last week and it's a really great drugstore mascara. Mascara is something I usually splurge on, but this is a really good alternative. What I like about this, is that the colour is a really intense black, it dries quickly, and adds a lot of volume. The wand is a really interesting shape, and I find it works well on the upper lashes, but not the lower lashes. Overall, this is a really great mascara for the price!

I also picked up a new Rimmel quad. The colours are quite light, as you can see from the swatches. I chose this because I don't have a lot of really soft, pastel colours. This quad creates a really romantic and pretty look.

Lastly, I picked up Bonnebell's Gel Bronze, Sally's powder blush in Fawn, and Gosh's Shocking Coral lipstick.

The Gel Bronze is actually a really nice product. Since I bought it, I've been adding it over my foundation and it creates a really pretty, dewy, sun-kissed look! It has a subtle shimmer as well, which looks great on the skin.

I am IN LOVE with Sally's powder blush in Fawn. It is such a pretty, warm colour. The product is very pigmented, so it doesn't take much to really pull a look together! The colour is a really warm brown, with hints of pink. The texture is so silky and beautiful. I love this so much!

The Shocking Coral Gosh lipstick I ended up buying because I just fell in love with the colour. I've been looking for a coral with more pink than orange, to add to my collection, and this was perfect! I absolutely love the colour! It is really smooth on the lips and very pigmented! It is perfect for a bold, statement lip.

These are some of my latest makeup purchases. What have you been loving lately?


  1. Good post! ;)
    Thanks for your comment! You're so sweet! ;)

    ♥ Ylenia ♥
    Fashion Ave
    Facebook Page
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    [email protected]

  2. great post.

  3. I would like to see the swatches of the Fantasy Makers cream eyeshadows :)

  4. very nice blog;)

    follow me

  5. let us know how that gel bronzer works

  6. Great post! That mascara has quickly become one of my favs! Check out my blog I gave you an award.


  7. oooh. love your blog so much!!
    And I love this post really.)

    Can you answer on my question?

    What is your favorite place on earth and why?
    It s really intresting for me, becaurse I love travaling and photo.)

  8. I'm so interest to see the red eye-liner on you, I can imagine it looks so dramatic.

  9. amazing blog!!i'm following you!!if you like mine,do the same!!!

  10. Can't wait to see your halloween makeup!!

  11. I should buy a mascara..soon..I keep saying that and I always forget it!
    Thanks for your comment :)

  12. hehe you're like a cosmetics connoisseur!! Love all of your new purchases!
    can't wait to see how it turns out!!
    I want to go get some new make up now! I usually use a bronzy blush...but I want to try the pink blush look!


  13. Beautiful post!!!i'm following you!!!if you like mine, do the same!!

  14. Thats a nice shade. Do a swatch post please
    Like the blog! You have a new follower!
    Check out mine

  15. i love kate moss' lipstick collection :)

  16. I love Mac red lipstick :)
    How are you Shannon?


  17. @PolaBerry Thank you so much! I'll be sure to re-post is asap! :)

    @Mary ♥ Mur My favourite place on earth is London, England. For a Canadian girl like me, obsessed with British pop music, it is basically my happy place!

    @Mary Kapsi I'm well, thank you! Very busy at the moment, but hanging in there! How are you? :)

  18. Wow awesome new products! :) congrats for winning the giveaway... and let me double up your joy by telling you that I've given you an award on my blog! :D here:

  19. I've always been intimidated by coral lipstick - would love to see you sporting it!

    Dirty Pink Cardigan


  20. yay.. congrats you won a giveaway... :) xx

  21. i love your blog! please follow me :
    i think you can join my blog! i hope that you and avery person who is reading this take a minuit a look my blog!
    congratulation, yo have a nice blog!
    x o x o

  22. Great products dear! Everything looks very cute, appealing and the most important skin-caring! Love it!




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