Saturday, January 7, 2012

he who has health, has hope; and he who has hope, has everything.

Each new year brings beautiful hope. In the moments before, we stop to think about our lives - what we cherish, and what we want to change. These moments help us to focus on the things we hope to achieve.

In previous years, I have made vague resolutions with iffy results. This year, however, I really took the time to stop and think about what changes I wanted to make. I have set goals for myself, both short and long-term. As a result, I am filled with a renewed sense of hope.

This year, it was estimated that 51% of people planned to exercise more. I am one of those people.

After a holiday season of indulgence, the large scale focus on health only makes sense. Before the holiday season began, I was eating fairly well. Once all of those cookies came out though, I thought - forget it! - and gained five pounds as a result. (Christmas cookies are a delicious way to do it though!)

Now that all of the holiday cookies have been eaten, I have no more excuses. My goals are to work out five times a week, drastically cut back on junk foods, and to drink more water. I want to focus on health rather than numbers on a scale.

Maybe it is that sparkling optimism that comes from the idea of a new year and a fresh start, but I am certain I will achieve my goals this year.

Whenever I want to quit, this is the picture I think of:

Whatever may happen in the future, I am finally embracing change.

Is getting in shape on your resolution list?


  1. Yea I need to exercise more also I never get out :/

  2. good luck with your resolution! :)


  3. Improving my health has also become one of my new year goals. I'm trying to focus more on eating healthy since I already work out almost everyday. Why does food have to taste so good?

    Good luck with your resolution!

  4. hope this year will be full of smiles,happy new year dear :D

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. great goal for this year! im on the same page too and think its more important to eat healthy than obsess over numbers. good luck with it! xx

  7. great pics dear..;)
    A_C'est moi

  8. Great post&resolution honey. I have other resolutions bodywise I have none,I stay about the same u know. I love dancing for fun but am a petite size 10 5ft 4 and 9stone I don't think I wanna make changes hehe

  9. I also have to exercise more :)

  10. yes it is! but im so tempted when i see junk food to eat it. sign.

  11. Empowering & Inspiring!!

  12. Inspiring yes!. You go girl!!!

    I´ll cultivate a new skill !

    Happy new year!

  13. True..New Year brings with it hope and makes us think about what we want to change!
    This year I want to focus on being a good person! :)

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Happy New Year! I hope we will change in a better way.. Your post is very inspiring :))

  16. Happy new year once more! Actually I am already in a volleyball team, but I am not able to go to every practise. This year however , after reading this post, I am planning to attend to every training.... Thanks for this inspiring post!

  17. Diet is one of my resolution but it always fails me, hahaha

  18. I have tons of things to do this year, hopefully I will do everything the way I planned.

  19. Nice post, I am one of the 51% as well :) By drinking a lot of water you save your body from retaining water weight, or so I heard. That is why I drink 3, 16 oz water bottles, every night before I sleep. i am awful at drinking water during the day so I think this works. I gained 30lbs since my high school day when I weight: 97 lbs 6 years ago, I am not comfortable in my body. I wish you luck with your exercise regime and if you have any tips, please link me. I am starting my Weight loss Wednesday soon so let's help each other out!

    Mary from ♥ ♥

  20. Exercise is one of my goals, I quit hitting the gym sometime ago and I am missing its benefits a lot!

  21. Thanks for you support! I'm not very big on nw year's resolutions but I surely wish you all the luck with yours ;)

  22. that is a great quote. i never take my health for granted. happy new year!

  23. haha I completely indulged too much this festive season too lol and also have the 'resolution' to keep my mind well by working out more =) Good luck with your 5 times a week schedule =)

    Eeli xx

  24. Yes! But I am still thinking if I should go for diet or exercise. Both together would be too much :) Good luck with your work out, hope it works for you. <3<3

    For me, exercise is a way of life. I do it to better my health, my emotional well-being, and my attitude. The benefits to my body are just an extra BAM of motivation for me. I love working out.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  26. I think it's on almost everybody's list to get healthier and to lose those extra pounds. I know for sure it's one of mine because I've had not so nice experiences of people stating the obvious & hurting my feelings. None the less, this I will do for me not because people think I have to look a certain way. I am however, sick and immobile atm so all I can do is eat healthier. Exercise will come once I'm better. I laughed at the picture though. She's mighty strong!

  27. Great post! Yeah exercise is important to keep healthy :)

  28. YES!! I just packed my gym bag for going tomorrow after work. Have got to get back into the groove of working out!

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  29. I don't work out but I am Bikram Yoga every and strength.



  30. I have my exercise bike I am "swearing" I'll start on Wednesday lol awesome ref pic

  31. YES! getting back into shape is definitely one of my new years resolutions! Ever since I stopped dancing consistently because I graduated from College....I'm been slowly losing stamina. it's time to get back into shape!

    Tweet Me!

  32. Totally with you on this one! I've put on quite a lot this Christmas and I really need to work out more! All the best for your goals!

  33. Good luck with your goal! My plan is to exercise for healthy body and healthy made, rather than to get in shape.
    Love the reference pic :D x

  34. Damn! Seeing those flat ab's has made me want to put down the chocolate and excercise....on the other hand - maybe later haha! xx

  35. Getting in shape is totally on my resolution list! Since having a baby, (five months ago) I'm realizing that I have to work so hard to try to get back a pre-baby figure. But I also want so badly to be strong, especially to set a good example for my kiddo. So everyday I've resolved to take a walk. Some days I take a short walk, just 20 minutes while the sun sets. Some days I walk for an hour, if I can spare it. Anyways, thanks so much for this post, inspiring me to stay on track!! I love your blog and I'm so glad I found it! Come say hi when you get a chance, and follow back if you feel compelled! XO
    real budget, real busy, real body fashion:

  36. we definitely excersice enough, and we also love to do it, since we are working out together ;)!


  37. ciao,

    I just wish to mantain my weight !
    I'm turning a lazy lady


  38. Getting in shape is definitely on my list for 2012. I even did some squats last night. Here's hoping it lasts x
    Would love if you'd check out my blog, I'm following yours now x

  39. I definitely hope to exercise more in 2012! Happy new year doll!

    xoxo, H

  40. Good luck girl! I'm in those 51% too;)So we gonna work our a.. off together;)



  41. Encantador espacio el tuyo,
    feliz semana.
    un abrazo.

  42. Good luck! I'm in the same boat... though, I've been working out since before the holidays but 2012 is definitely putting the pressure on. Xox
    Don't forget to enter for a chance to win a $30 gift certificate!

  43. Good luck with your resolution! I've always wanted to exercise and get flat abs, but laziness kicks in and then I lose all motivation whatsoever. I'm hoping I can slowly break this habit!


  44. i should exercise because even though i'm thin i'm so out of shaped! hope you can reach your goal!

  45. Great post! You've just motivated me to do the same :)

  46. I'm currently at the edge and I'm trying to persuade myself not to give up with the difficulties I deal. Wish my only problem was weight but thats not the case for me :(


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