Thursday, April 26, 2012

questions are never indiscreet. answers sometimes are.

I was recently tagged to do the 11 Questions Q&A, by Elisabeth at the wonderful Dragonfly Blog! So, without further ado - here goes!

1. Why did you start blogging and what was your biggest motivation?
Last summer, I was frustrated. I had graduated from University and still hadn't found a job in my field. My dream of being a successful, published, and paid writer seemed to get further away with each passing day. As a way to channel my frustrations, I began blogging. I wanted to find a way to focus on the things that made me happy; I wanted to write for an audience. Since then, this blog has become so much more than I ever hoped for. It is something I am very proud of.

2. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
This completely depends on the day! On a typical day getting ready for work, I spend 30 minutes getting ready. I don't tend to waste a lot of time! If I am getting ready to see someone, or go out? Anywhere from one to two hours. I notoriously take ages to get ready.

3. Do you have any place you love to shop?
I have an addiction to Forever 21. Easily my favourite clothing store. Other than that, I love H&M and Zara. For shoes, I shop at Town Shoes a lot. When it comes to makeup, I am all about Sephora!

4. Which clothing item is your favourite?
I have this beautiful dress from Armani Exchange that I am obsessed with. It's burgundy, has a plunging neckline, and a fuller skirt. When in doubt, I go with this dress.

5. Neon or Pastel?
I am loving both of these trends at the moment! There is something to be said for a pop of neon! However, I am definitely a pastel girl! I love the soft, femininity of pastels. They are demure and elegant.

6. What is your favourite movie and series?
2Ge+her! Both the movie and the TV series are my favourite! 2Ge+her was a spoof boyband created for MTV. As a lover of boybands, this was right up my alley, despite the spoof part! They have been a huge part of my life since their creation. The reunion on the horizon is an amazing and exciting thing.

7. Do you have an addiction?
Music is my addiction. It has shaped who I am in such a huge way. I've spent an awful lot of my money on CDs, concert tickets, and band t-shirts over the years. Music is a big part of who I am.

8. What’s the number one thing on your wishlist?
In terms of material things, there isn't really anything on my wishlist at the moment. Sure, there are things I would like, but nothing I can't do without. In general, the only thing I really want at the moment is a good job.

9. What do you do for a living?
I currently work in the glamorous world of fast food. I am persistent in going after what I want, however. I will become a successful writer.

10. How would you describe your style in 3 words?
Soft, classic, and feminine.

11. What are your favorite trends and colors upcoming season?
I am so into the mint colour trend and the floral print trend! Both are very exciting!

I am tagging anyone who wants to answer the 11 Questions!


  1. you go girl, i know exactly how you feel. ;)

  2. Thank you for the mentioning! :) Great to read your answers! You WILL become a famous writer, I'm sure about it!

    E from Helsinki

  3. It was soo nice to read ur answers! :)
    Take care xoxo

  4. Really enjoyed this. Love how honest you are in your answers.
    xo Annie

  5. OMG I love it!! it is so awesome to get to know you as person much better with these answers. Love to get to know my fav blogger and what influences them again and again :) Love your blog!!

  6. omg im into the mint trend as well, so chic and feminine!
    can't wait to see you on my blog again!

  7. Great tag. I think I will do it too when I have some free time :P

  8. nice learning more about you. :)

    have a great wknd!


  9. Nice!

    Thanks for visiting, come back soon <3
    kissing Vanessa

  10. I love boy bands too haha but I've never seen that show. But bring on Backstreet Boys next month woo hoo! And you may get most of your income from working in fast food, but never forget that you're an amazing writer and we all enjoy it when you link in the articles that you've written so we can read them ourselves (and of course, the writing of your blog!) xx

  11. nice to read

  12. Interesting tag! :) It's great to know more about you in this way.

  13. Love reading these Q&A's. A great way to get to know you!!

    Have a great weekend!

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  14. Great to know you :) Keep it up!!

  15. nice to know you more my dear<3
    following you now,following me back?

  16. Hi lovely, nice learning more about you!!!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  17. yes i am also indeed a pastel girl =) thanks for sharing about urself hun <3

    love from the NANA girls xoxo

  18. very interesting interview, it's nice to read sth like this xx

  19. nice interview dear! i love how you answered those questions in a very detail manner <3 xx

  20. Thanks you for your comment , Amazing blog <3

    If you like my fanpage you can win a Chanel Nail lacquer, Good luck :)

  21. Heya! Iv nominated you for the Versatile blogger award! :)
    You can check my post out here -
    Much love!


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