Saturday, November 3, 2012

interview: makeup by saz

As a beauty blogger, I am inspired by many talented people. One of my biggest inspirations, is Jessica Blantonh from Makeup By Saz. If you don't know her - you should!

This Irish Beauty Therapist is super talented and is gaining fans from all over the world. She has her own Blog and YouTube Channel where she posts tutorials, outfits of the day, and more!

Recently, I was lucky enough to ask Jessica Blantonh some questions. I am such a big fan of her work, and I am really excited to share the interview with you!

 Interview With: Makeup By Saz

When did your interest in fashion and beauty begin?
My interest in beauty and fashion began from a very young age. I had a very glamorous older cousin at the time that I looked up to. She took me shopping for my very first lipstick and eyeshadow when I was 10 and gave me a "makeover." From there my love for fashion and makeup became a obsession. I wasn't allowed wear makeup so I would play dress up in my room and pretend I was on stage.

When you knew that you wanted to pursue beauty as a career, what were your first steps?
When I went into secondary school, I had already decided I wanted to work in a beauty salon. I made sure that biology was my first choice and that I studied extra hard for those exams. As soon as I left school, I applied for the beauty therapy course in Corks College of Commerce. I applied for 2 other beauty courses just in case I didn't get my first choice. I went to my interview with a portfolio of my work and I got a position straight away.

What inspired you to start your blog? What made you want to move into YouTube videos as well?
I started watching YouTube videos while I was in college in 2007. Dulcecandy87, Fafinettex3 and Michelle Phan were my favourite gurus. I loved the whole idea of it, and wanted to start making YouTube videos then. My confidence held me back as well as my bad video quality. I started my blog in 2010 when I bought my first laptop. I liked the idea of showing my talents without actually being live on camera. I spent my weekends updating my blog and I went from 20 viewers to 2,000 viewers in a matter of months. I then met my friend Sinead aka The Makeup Chair who was a hit on YouTube. After about a year she convinced me to start my own channel.

What blog post or YouTube video are you the most proud of and why?
Every video I upload makes me proud because I'm improving every time. My Halloween Zombie tutorial is my current favourite and my Fashion Friday videos always make me happy, Fashion will always be my first love!

What kind of makeup looks are your favourites – every day or bold, evening looks?
Every day. My looks are very natural I believe makeup should enhance your features not hide them. I go for what I call "bridal makeup" on a day to day bases, which is very natural! But saying that I also love experimenting with makeup.

If you could describe your style in three words, what would they be?

Diverse, Classy and Creative - My style is diverse because I always like to try out different styles and trends; Classy because I always make sure my outfits are not too revealing and are always lady-like;  Creative because I love to experiment.

How important is it to you to represent Irish beauty gurus on YouTube? How do you stand out from other beauty gurus?

I want people to learn from my videos. Because of my qualifications, I can give my subscribers professional knowledge and tips. When it comes to makeup tutorials, I like to teach people step by step. When it comes to fashion, I want to help people dress and style for their body shape.

It's very important for me to represent Irish gurus because we often don't get noticed due to our small population and all the big American gurus. I don't see my fellow Irish gurus as "competition," I see them as my friends. If my channel/blog ever becomes extremely successful I would love to help my other talented Irish gurus to reach that level too, and get them as much publicity as I can.

What has been the biggest achievement in your career thus far? What do you still hope to achieve?
My biggest achievement so far is being involved in Corks' Fashion Week. It was such an amazing experience. It was also amazing to talk to top celebrity makeup artist Robert Jones on Skype. I'm really concentrating on my channel at the moment, but in the future I'd love to blog for a fashion magazine and own my own clothing website.

Do you have any advice for people who are interested in pursuing a career in the beauty industry?

First of all, don't be fooled - you need to work very hard! Beauty may look easy and glamorous but it's very hard work. You really need to be passionate about what you do. Lastly, find out what your favourite area is. If you want to be a makeup artist, forget expensive courses and beauty therapy courses - attend weekend courses and get out there. Contact modelling agencies, fashion shoots and catwalk shows. Ask to shadow makeup artists. This is the only way to get your name out there and become successful. Most makeup counters prefer to train you themselves. I spent 2 years in beauty college and we never did makeup. If massage is your strongest point, get into as many massage courses as you can. Offer to work for free for a month or two! This is free experience you can include in your CV and will benefit you in the long run.

Speed Round Questions: 
Go-to makeup look? 
Simple, every day "bridal look." 
Must-have beauty item?
Heels or flats?
Favourite clothing store?
H&M or Primark/Penneys
Eyeliner or eyeshadow? 
Favourite accessory? 
A smile
Biggest style inspiration? 
Favourite makeup brand? 
Blank Canvas Cosmetics (You can receive 10% off by using SARAH at the checkout!)
Best fall trend? 
Berry shades and leather

I just want to say thank you again to the incredible Makeup By Saz for taking the time to do this interview. I hope you will all check out her Blog or YouTube Channel. She is absolutely incredible and I know you will love her as much as I do!

I hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. Great interview!
    Nice of you to share it with us!!

  2. i am so loving the look.. she is really amazing....

  3. Thank you so much shannon for taking the time to interview me, you did a fantastic job!! xx

  4. love your make-up! it looks so natural!

  5. Great interview. Love this post!
    xo Annie

  6. lovely post! :D i like your make up!

  7. Great interview!

    Kisses from Hong Kong,

  8. Such a lovely interview and post, I will definitely have to go and check her blog out!


  9. Lovely interview! Great post! :)

  10. you are a star! I am amazed by you.

  11. thank you a lot for your lovely comment honey!
    you look amazing!

  12. Fantastic interview :) :) Im your 700th follower yeeeeee

  13. Great interview!

  14. Ahhh! So cool interview! Honestly, have never seen a youtube makeup video ever yet! but will do! HIMandHERproject

  15. Loved reading this interview:)!
    Hope you check out my new posts too:)!


    Will step by soon <3

  16. thanks for sharing, I will definitely check her out i have a few make up obsessed buddies!



  17. Such a lovely blog and interview. Thanks for share.
    I had so much fun reading your posts.
    I am following you now,
    I hope you can follow back.

  18. great halloween makeup, new follower here,

  19. Nice interview!

  20. so awesome that she has such a wide range of make up techniques!! from every day to more stage kind of make up! Thanks for sharing the interview!


  21. You're honestly sooo flawless!

  22. IS it you?
    you are very pretty

  23. Great post! I would like to invite you to me :) Let's follow each other =]
    xxx from Spain ✝


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