Sunday, December 23, 2012

christmas, my child, is love in action. every time we love, every time we give, it's christmas.

With Christmas quickly approaching, I am busy trying to balance my responsibilities with my favourite Christmas traditions. Lately, I have been thinking a lot about my favourite Christmas memories.

Out of all of the wonderful Christmases I have experienced, my favourite memories are always of my brother and I. We have always had a special relationship. Not everyone knows this, but I am a twin!

When we were younger, my brother and I would always wake up ages before the rest of our family. We would meticulously plan our descent down the stairs...from which stairs would creak to how early we would get up. Once we got down there, we would tip toe around the living room, turn on the tree, and go through our stockings. We ate chocolate, watched Christmas movies, and waited with baited breath for the rest of the family to come downstairs and join in the festivities.

As we got older, these kinds of Christmas mornings became rarer and rarer. We cared more about sleeping in than making our Christmas plans. In the last few years, I have found myself missing those moments more than anything. Watching Christmas movies alone with my brother, the glow of the Christmas tree lighting up the room....those are my happiest Christmas memories. I miss them.

On an entirely different note, I am all smiles today. Last night, my boyfriend surprised me with an early Christmas present. He said he couldn't wait to give it to me - so cute! He bought me two adorable pairs of earrings from my favourite designer, Betsey Johnson. Aren't they gorgeous? I am so spoiled.

To get you in the Christmas spirit, I leave you with a Christmas song by my favourite band: Hanson's My Favorite Christmas Sweater

What is your favourite Christmas memory?


  1. From Maria Carey is my lovley memory.mery christmas!


  2. Nice post, kisses

  3. I really like betsy johnson jewelry!! And the little bears are so cute :)

  4. Amazing post. Marry Christmas and Happy New Year

  5. Awww you have a sweet boyfriend :D
    What a great post.. I think the best memory I have was when all of my family was together on christmas eve. It was so different but so much fun. It only happened once

    have a merry christmas :D

  6. awww, I hope you have a lovely Christmas and that you and your brother are able to do something special together :3

    also, those are gorgeous earrings! jealous :)

  7. Wishing you all the best for christmas! Greetings from Munich :)
    Vanessa -

  8. My siblings and I used to gather in one of our bedrooms and open our stockings whilst eating chocolate, and wait for our parents to wake up. My mum used to work night shifts too so we usually had to wait till she got back. It was always worth the wait!

    Hope you have a Happy Christmas :)!

  9. I used to love doing that with my brothers! I recently started spending the night Christmas eve w/my boyfriends sisters so we keep the Christmas magic and wonderment alive!!


  10. Aww. And I love Betsey Johnson. So cute. -

  11. Awww... Fave xmas memories are always stuffing our faces with chocolate and watching xmass movies!!;)

  12. I love those earrings! And you have a wonderful blog. I'm a new follower, and I've really enjoyed reading your thoughts :)

    Merry Christmas!
    xo Abbey

  13. your earrings r soo soo cute.i agree with you as we grow older we care less and less about celebrating and more about other things.I really miss the eid of my childhood at times.
    PS:great title :)

  14. Christmas is always magical when you're little :)
    I love it now too, but I believe that when you're little is just something so special...
    Lovely post my dear!
    Merry Christmas to you!!

  15. Merry Xmas <3!!!!

  16. ☾ °☆ ¸. *☆★ ° ☾ °☆ ¸. * ☾ °☆ ¸. *☆★ ° ☾ °☆ ¸. *
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  17. my best memories when proposed to marry him, merry christmas darling! lovely earrings


  18. merry merry christmass to you and may you have an abundance of blessings this your blog and i just followed you. would you like to follow me back...


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