Thursday, January 10, 2013

tag: 2012 reflection

We are just getting into 2013. I find myself looking forward to what 2013 has to offer, but also looking back at how much has changed over the past year. The wonderful Cami, over at CamiGMakeup4u2C recently posted a 2012 reflections tag. I thought this tag would be a great way for me to reflect upon the year that has passed. So, here goes!

1. What was the most exciting thing that happened to you in 2012? 
There were so many great things that happened to me in 2012. I was able to interview and meet Scott MacIntyre from season 8 of American Idol, I traveled, and I've been fortunate enough to have freelance writing jobs. Out of everything though, the most exciting thing that happened to me in 2012 was officially starting to date my boyfriend. He has really made the past year special. I am very very lucky.

2. What was your favourite post that you wrote this year? Why?
My favourite post from this year was easily my interview with Scott MacIntyre. I know I have talked about this a lot in previous posts, but it truly was a personal and professional honour to speak with him about his book, "By Faith, Not By Sight." I am such a huge fan of his. This will always be an experience that I cherish. (You can read the interview here!)

3. What was your favourite new product in 2012?
Oh this is an easy one for me! This year I absolutely fell in love with Benefit's They're Real! mascara. I have always been a massive fan of Dior's Diorshow mascara, but the moment I tried They're Real! I was hooked. I love how dramatic and bold it makes my lashes look.

4. What new thing are you glad you tried in 2012?
One new thing I am glad that I tried in 2012 is applying for freelance writing jobs. Before that, I was mainly focusing on internships, but in 2012 I finally felt that I was ready and worthy of being paid for my writing.

5. What is the most important lesson you learned in 2012?
That dream really are possible. 2012 was definitely a year of accomplished dreams for me - I fell in love...real love, and I worked hard every single day to get closer to my goals. This year, I learned that I can have the life I have always dreamed of with persistence and hope.

6. What was the best movie of 2012?
What a hard question! I saw a ton of movies this year. Some I loved and some not so much. I am going to say...The Perks of Being a Wallflower. That movie just connected so deeply with me. The writing was incredible and the actors all did a fantastic job of bringing those characters to life. I was so moved by that film.

7. What was the best song of 2012?
Yet another difficult question. I listen to a lot of music. A lot. It's hard for me to pick a favourite song for the year. So, I am going to cheat and say: Your Body by Christina Aguilera, Beauty and a Beat by Justin Bieber, Rabbits by Our Lady Peace, annnnnnd ..... Last First Kiss by One Direction. 

8. Best TV Show?
This year I started watching Storage Wars and Pawn Stars with my boyfriend....I actually have quite the Pawn Stars addiction now! That, Gossip Girl, Drop Dead Diva and X-Factor have been favourites.

9. What one product do you hope someone releases in 2013?
Anything Audrey Hepburn that I don't already have. An Audrey Hepburn perfume or something! That would be pretty much fantastic. 

I tag anyone who wants an excuse to reflect on 2012!

xo Shannon


  1. nice questions :D

  2. I haven't seen Perks of Being a Wallflower but I read the book and it was amazing!


  3. What an interesting post! i definitely enjoyed reading it!

  4. Congrats on getting freelance jobs! That's gotta be tough to accomplish.

    Cheers to a new relationship - I hope it's going splendidly. And your interview sounds exciting and inspiring.

    Can't believe I never saw Perks of Being a Wallflower. Must see not that I read this list.

    happy 2013!!


  5. Great post and good job on starting to do freelance work! I'm hoping to become a full-time 'writer' too so hopefully I can achieve that in 2013 :)

    x Gi

  6. Lovely post! I felt the same about Perks of Being a Wallflower! I watched it on the plane and was literally balling my eyes out the entire time!

    Black and Vanilla

  7. Great post hun,hav a wonderful wknd x

  8. what a lovely post! very thoughtful and inspiring. =)

  9. Hi! I'm not sure if you are a "tag" type person, but I tagged you


    I think it would be a fun, personal post to share with your readers!

  10. beautiful post :))) NEW POST!

  11. Lovely post! I got addicted to gossip girl this year, sad its over!


  12. Fun post! The original picture caught my eye, and I'm hoping that that fairly general question is actually the lyrics to one of my favorite songs...and we also have an obsession for Audrey Hepburn in common. :)


  13. My husband & I use that motto - I love it - it's the greatest motivator for getting chores done round the house!

    Melissah from Scrapbook

  14. Great post, such an interesting read!!

    I have an international giveaway on my blog, hope you will enter;

  15. nice to know
    lovely post dear

  16. My dad and brother got me into pawn is kind of addicting!

  17. I really love your Post.
    Liebst, Patricia


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