Monday, March 25, 2013

foundation face off: rimmel vs. rimmel

I am always on the search for the perfect foundation. I've tried many in my time, but hadn't quite found the one that was perfect for me. There are some that I like more than others...some that are good for summer...some that are good for winter...and some that aren't good at all. That's the thing about foundations - it all depends on what works best for your skin type.

For this Foundation Face Off, It's Rimmel vs. Rimmel with Clean Finish battling against the new Wake Me Up foundation. Who will win? Let's find out!

Rimmel: Clean Finish Foundation

Like I said, I've tried a lot of foundations. Before I tried Clean Finish, my favourite foundation was MAC Studio Fix Fluid. After trying Clean Finish? No contest. I was as shocked as anyone to find that I preferred a foundation that cost about five bucks to a high-end one.

What do I love? Just about everything! This is a medium to full coverage foundation - the highest coverage I've come across at the drugstore. The foundation blends well and has a really smooth texture. It also leaves a gorgeous, glowy finish on the skin, which looks fantastic in photographs.

The best thing about this foundation is that it doesn't dry out my skin. I have really dry skin, and this is so moisturizing. It doesn't ever leave my skin looking flaky or greasy. This is a fantastic foundation for anyone with dry skin. (If you've tried this out and have another skin type - how did it work for you?)

The only issue I have with this foundation is that same I have with all Rimmel foundations - the colour selection. I have this in the lightest shade and it really is a touch too dark for me. It's fine for summer but is a bit dark in winter....such a letdown!


Rimmel: Wake Me Up Foundation

This foundation just finally made its' way to my country. I had heard some amazing things about the Wake Me Up foundation from some makeup gurus and bloggers, so I simply had to give this one a try.

I have to get up at 6am every morning for work. Not fun. So, the idea of having a foundation that would make me look more awake was super exciting. Unfortunately, this foundation for me hasn't lived up to the hype.

Why? Well, for starters, it didn't live up to the promise to wake up the look of my skin. I look just as tired with the foundation on as I do without it! That was really disappointing. Other than that, I actually found the formula of this foundation to be really drying on my skin. It claims to have a moisturizing texture, but it made my dry skin feel even worse. Lastly, like all of the Rimmel foundations, the colour selection was poor.

Overall, this was a really disappointing product for me. I have heard so many people rave about it, but it just doesn't work with my skin.

So, the winner of this Foundation Face Off? Rimmel's Clean Finish foundation!

Have you tried either of these Rimmel foundations? What did you think of them?

xo Shannon


  1. Nice review. I don't know if we have these Rimmel foundations is South Africa. I, like u have also been looking for the perfect foundation...I stopped looking when I started using Clarins Everlasting foundation. It lasts all day and gives you a health J Lo glow. I love it.


  2. I absolutely love the Wake Me Up foundation - but I've never tried the Clean Finish foundation... with your rave reviews I will definitely give it a try! The price point is amazing!

    xo Raquel
    Sassy + Bubbly

  3. Great post darling.

  4. Great post lady!!! I am so weary of trying new foundations since my skin is the opposite of dry....very oily,sensitive and acne prone. I have used Aveda dual coverage foundation for years and have always been so skeptical of trying new ones...but its nice to see reviews on brands that work great and are affordable!!

    xo Muah
    Dinah @ sunshine super glam

  5. thanks for this review..
    i have to buy a foundation...
    my 1st :D haha. i have only erase paste :)


  6. I'm always looking for a good high street foundation! Clean Finish sounds really good xx

  7. I think the "Wake me up" one should be perfect for me!
    Thanks for the comment =)

  8. hey dear! i just came across your blog and fell in love! would you maybe like to follow each other? :)

    x viktoria

  9. I love clean finish foundation! I always try and move onto another liquid foundation, but always end up going back!

  10. sounds like nice foundations. I dont really use one but great review!
    xx ♥

  11. I need to try these :)

  12. I've never tried Clean Finish but Wake Me Up is one of my all time favourites ;)

  13. I havent even heard of the clean finish! Thanks for the post! Very helpful! Ill see if I can get my hands on it! :) xx

  14. The Clean Finish product sounds good! I haven't got on with MAC Studio Fix Fluid before as I found it looked cakey, but this one sounds a bit better and I may have to check it out - it's so cheap! I'm surprised that you didn't like Wake Me Up! I like to use it sometimes but it isn't my favourite.

    Christina | Passion Obsession

  15. I have never tried either of these foundations. Though I've heard amazing reviews for the Wake Me Up, I'm wary of purchasing it as my skin tends to get quite oily. Interesting to hear that it's drying though, this was a great, informative post!

  16. great review hun,now if only rimmel had my shade lol

  17. my perfect foundation is revlon color stay <3

  18. Great review, my dear. Thank you! My daily one is Lancome, but I might give Rimmel a try

  19. I so need that "Wake me up" product!!!! And "no fatigue!!! I want it:-)

  20. What a great rewiev! I have never tried any of those!

    Style Without Limits

  21. thanks for this hun! i've been wondering whether Rimmel foundation is any good. i agree with your verdict, can't wait to try it! :)

    I hope you're having a beautiful day ~ XO

  22. I would like to try Wake me up foundation!! :)




  23. Rimmel has such a great products :) I would try WAKE ME UP :)

  24. Great review! I've heard good things about both of these foundations but I was undecided on which one would be better for me! Thanks for the review :)

  25. I've been planning to get Wake me up foundation but now I a double minded.. I wana by Clean Finish now


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