Thursday, April 18, 2013

women waste so much time wearing no perfume.

My boyfriend constantly spoils me with love and affection - I am a very lucky girl. (I know, I know...don't you hate when people gush about their significant other? I just can't seem to stop myself sometimes. He is wonderful.) Recently, my lovely boyfriend also spoiled me with perfume!  Paris Hilton perfume, to be exact.

I am a massive fan of Paris Hilton. I get a lot of flack for this, but I have no shame. I adore her! So, when my boyfriend and I were out doing a bit of shopping, he surprised me by picking up Tease by Paris Hilton for me. I have some of her other perfumes and I love them, but hadn't yet added this one to my collection.

I find myself wearing this perfume a lot lately, simply because it smells so good! It has a gorgeous floral scent with just a hint of fruity undertones. I would summarize Tease as a really pretty, feminine scent that has great staying power. (No really, it stays for such a long time!) One spray of Tease and you will be smelling great all day long. I love that it lasts, but just be careful not to apply too much!

Once again, I find myself impressed with a Paris Hilton perfume. I just love her sexy, girly fragrances. Now, thanks to my thoughtful boyfriend, I've got another Paris Hilton perfume to adore.

Have you smelled Tease by Paris Hilton? What did you think of it?

Editing Note: Since Paris Hilton has decided to publicly support an abusive man, her products will no longer be reviewed on Mansa Fashion. All previous reviews will remain, but no new content will be shared. 

xo Shannon


  1. Honestly I can't stand any reality star, her included. As much as I can't stand her or anyone else I do find she makes pretty decent perfumes. I haven't gotten a wiff of this one yet though. But I totally agree with your title people should always invest in perfume.

    Beauty and Fashion On A College Budget

  2. You are a lucky girl :) I must go to the shop, because I'm so curious :))

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  3. i love love :) so no problem with the gushing
    why do you adore paris? just curious!
    i haven't smelled tease but i bet it smells lovely

  4. i love it... i also want to buy that perfumes.... i never seen that at my country... and i heared that from my friend that the paris hilton perfume was very sweet...

  5. I love Paris's perfumes!
    xo Annie

  6. im wondering how it smells like :3

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  7. Does this smell really really good? I've ben wanting to try a new perfume and I don't know what to get.


  8. Paris Hilton gets like no press anymore. Not that I've seen lately. I think she's a hoot. Go ahead and be her biggest fan!
    And I'll check out her fragrance the next time I'm in a department store. Cheers!

  9. I LOVEE PERFUME!!! I've been using the same one for years!!

  10. i love it, soooo nice scent:)
    thank you for your lovely comment!


  11. It sounds like you have a very sweet & generous boyfriend - hang onto him!

    Melissah from Scrapbook

  12. I haven't tried this perfume, but I just might try to smell the scent next time I see it, inspired by you. You shouldn't feel that you can't share your happy feelings about your boyfriend. One should always be allowed to gush, especially when it comes to love <3 Reading those kinds of things bring a smile upon my face :)

    E from Helsinki

  13. Nice choice!



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  16. Love the scent's ad ;) xoxo Nini

  17. Omigod that doesn't even look like her!! Wowsa! I love her too don't worry haha :)

  18. Haven't tried it yet

  19. You know, I quite like Paris Hilton too! And I'm definitely going to try this scent, especially if it stays on for the whole day :)

    x Gi


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