Monday, May 6, 2013

top 5 favourites series: lips

In any makeup collection, there are always those lip products you reach for time and time again. In a rush? Grab that perfect nude lipstick. Are you going out for the night? Then you're probably already holding that super long lasting red. That is the great thing about our makeup collections - no matter how much we add to them, there are always a few products that stand out.

I noticed that there were certain lip products I was using more often than others...which is exactly what inspired me to start my top 5 favourites series. The first post in this series is dedicated to my favourite lip products. So, here goes!

1) NARS lipgloss in Turkish Delight

This is my favourite lip product by far! If you've been reading my blog for any amount of time, you probably already know that I am a massive fan of NARS products. In general, I am not so into lipglosses - mostly because they can feel really sticky and horrible. NARS lipglosses however, do not. They have a ton of pigmentation, go on smooth, and never feel sticky. The baby pink shade is perfect for a night out.

2) Maybelline Moisture Extreme in Buttercup

Sadly, this shade is discontinued - so I pray that I never run out! What I love the most about this gorgeous caramel shade is that it is a warmer nude that looks great with any makeup look. And, as the name suggests, it is super moisturizing on the lips. I never feel the need to wear lip balm or chap stick over it. This is the perfect nude shade that I find myself reaching for constantly.

3) YSL Rouge Volupte in Peach

Last summer, I was looking for the perfect peach lipstick shade...and I finally found it in this amazing YSL lipstick. I am such a big fan of YSL lipsticks in general - they are so creamy, rich, and pigmented. They are totally worth the splurge. I love this shade for spring and summer and I am so excited to bring it out again this year!

4) Revlon Super-Lustrous in Berry Rich

This beautiful berry shade is one of my all time favourites. It adds a little sophisticated drama to any makeup look and is absolutely perfect if you're going out for dinner or a night on the town. I have used this one a lot since I got it. The texture is really nice and smooth on the lips and has really great longevity. Best of all, the shade is unbeatable!

5) Red Apple Lipstick in Sunkissed

I may or may not have an obsession with coral lipsticks. In fact, I have six of them. They just look so good in the summer! My favourite coral lipstick has to be this one from Red Apple Lipstick. I was given it to review a while back and I just instantly fell in love with the bold shade. It looks amazing on and the colour lasts all day.

Honourary mentions go to: Maybelline Super Stay Stain Gloss and Joe Fresh Matte Lipstick in Brick.

These are my top 5 favourite lip products...what are yours?

xo Shannon


  1. I really like Revlon products but I have yet to really try any lipsticks, I might go out and buy one now :) Great post :) I love reading these kinds of posts, I think its nice to get to know someone a little better and give advice at the same time :)
    Nikki Boucherica xx

  2. Where would you recommend to buy any purple-black lipsticks?

    Win two nail polishes of your choice on my international giveaway :-)

  3. The fourth color is my favorite. Nice review.


  4. I really want to try Turkish Delight, looks like such a pretty shade! Love this post!

  5. My fav. is the Red Apple Lipstick. The orangy color is perfect...
    Do visit me too sometime dear! :)
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  6. AMAZING - LOVE ALL THE COLORS! pass by mine new post is up - see you!

    Coccinelle ↝ Honor Thy Mother

  7. Such a nice variety of colours - I especially like the 'Berry Rich' Revlon one.
    Telling by the way you described the NARS lipgloss, it sounds great!

    Kathryn x

  8. Sucha nice hues <3 Lovin it especially Nars <3 xxx

  9. Number 3 is also in my favorite lip colors, awesome post =) usually I love Chanel lipsticks, YSL and Estee Lauder, as well as Mac :) Kisses

    Fashion and Cookies
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  10. I love neon pink and orange... but the one from Nars looks good as well
    << From Brussels, with Love>>

  11. Oh i want to try the YSL one in Peach - looks right up my street - nice to see the swatches of them before you buy so thanks babe xxx Laura xA Scottish Lass

  12. Love the Maybelline moisture extreme series, but it's no more available in Germany - unfortunately!
    Great post!

  13. Oooh great selection! Gosh, I have so many... lets see, love MAC Ruby Woo and Lady Danger. I'm also loving Revlon lip butters right now! xo

  14. fun choices! my go-to red lipstick is kate moss' rimmel 01

  15. Mine is MAC and Baby Lips :D Love the saturated pigments of brand name labels but for every day it's all about the tinted balms! I've heard really great things about the Revlon lustrous...really blinged out for drugstore brands! Great review!

    Thank you for the blog visit love! Hope you’ll be back to see my latest!

    Peace. Love. LOL!

    Haute Khuuture Blog

  16. Lipgasm!!!! They are all adorable :) I want them all..


  17. Love seeing your top 5! It would be so hard for us to choose!! :-)

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  18. oh this is true but in my case, lip stains all the way!!

  19. Gorgeous colours! I also have the same Revlon and I absolutely love it!

  20. ohh i love 1 & 4 :)

  21. I haven't actually tried any of those, I usually only wear red lipstick though if I'm going to wear lipstick! All these shades look so lovely though, I may have to try and switch it up :)

  22. gorgeous colors! i've been thinking about new lipsticks for the spring :)

  23. All the colors are great..

  24. I love that nars lipgloss! Added it to my nars wishlist, i dont currently own any nars but I'd love to xx

  25. My personal favorite is #4. My skin is neither dark nor light so I think that will work.

    Great post! And your blog rocks! Check mine out. Maybe we can follow each other :D
    Lattes & Lacee

  26. gorgeous colors!
    would you girls also take a look at my blog too:) I'm a newbie I follow back all my followers, thanks ;)


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