Thursday, May 16, 2013

we read to know that we are not alone.

I am a book lover. As a struggling writer, I suppose that is almost a requirement. There is something so captivating about falling into another life and using that knowledge to reflect on our own world. I have always been an avid reader. In fact, some of my happiest childhood memories involve my bedroom and a book. Books allowed me to do the things I hadn't in real life - they filled in the gaps of my life. I didn't have a lot of friends, I was bullied in high school, and I never went to prom. Even in University, I struggled to find my true identity. And yes, even now, books are a blissful escape from the stress and the worries that plague me.

I've mentioned in previous posts that my life is busy, and I constantly struggle with finding balance. Unfortunately, this has affected my reading schedule. I simply don't have the same amount of time to read as I used to. I am trying, though! Here are a few of the books I have read most recently...

The best? Janice Dickinson's biography, "No Lifeguard on Duty." I don't know how I managed to go without reading it for so long, but oh my goodness. This biography is fantastic. It is well written, smart, powerful, and it gives a fascinating peek behind the scenes of the world's first supermodel. If you're looking for something to read, I highly recommend it.

Even though life is busy, I am doing everything I can to make sure that I never lose my love of reading.

What is the last book you read?

xo Shannon


  1. nice post!

    FashionEvELand | FEEL

  2. Reading is a huge part of my life as well. I don't know how would be my life without characters that I "met" in books. I learnt so much from books, it's incredible! I love this post.


  3. I always get a little depressed when I can't read for a while. Like, soaking up those words is part of my life force or something. I actually just finished reading Stephen King's The Gunslinger and am on the lookout for the next book in his Dark Tower Series. On a side note, I went to Half Price Books yesterday and they didn't have a single Stephen King book, which is weird since he's a pretty popular guy.
    Anyway, I found your blog on blog lovin. Love this post!

  4. Amazing post. Really. I feel the same way... I love reading books. World in books is better than normal life.

  5. so cute post

  6. I also feel I have no time to read, also a book has to really keep my interest or I have a hard time finishing it. I will have to check out Janice Dickenson's book. Since I recently came to Paris, I last read Stuff Parisians Like. It was more or so a collection of blog posts. It was funny since I am seeing that a lot of it was true.

    I am a new follower :) Hope you have a great day!



  7. Love love this post!!
    Thanks for your visit... and nice comm!!

  8. I agree with you! I wish I read more but it's a matter of availability :/ I'm sure you'll never loose that love! :) Have a great weekend!

  9. maybe we can follow each others ? <3

  10. Perfect, I need some summer reading. May have to give this a go :)

  11. Janice Dickinson's biography, "No Lifeguard on Duty."

    I often find myself wandering around in bookstores hoping someone will suggest a great biography. Sometimes it's hard to choose one alone, recommendations are great. Will write this down for future reads for sure! Thanks.

  12. I've heard great things about Hugh Howey's 'Wool' series. It's on my list!!


  13. The last book was about Tibet :)

  14. So.. I thought we were following each other ages ago.
    Apparently not.. lol. So I just broke that seal! ha!
    Hello, I am your new follower. Hope you will follow too.
    I'm glad you enjoyed my zombie run photos, I always love reading your comments.
    I am always looking for something new to read-
    I will def keep some of these in mind. I will be in need of some beach reads.


  15. I love reading <3 Do you wanna follow each other? Let me know :) And I hope you will take a part in my GIVEAWAY with OASAP. You can win one of pieces from summer collection <3 xoxo :*
    Blog Lissey

  16. Thanks for bringing this up! I love reading too but have not had the time to indulge on this hobby :( You have inspired me to try to squeeze it in despite my busy schedule! I love this thoughtful post!

  17. I also love books! Unfortunaltely during exams I can only read books about law but after I finsh it I want to read The other Boleyn girl.

    Style Without Limits

  18. I a book lover too, I can´t live with out them...
    have a great weekend

  19. I love reading too :) I am currently almost at the end of the first Game of Thrones book and its amazing! I highly recommend it.
    Nikki Boucherica xx

  20. I love reading but lately I haven't so much :(
    I invite you to my giveaway with Oasap

  21. wow, u read a lot! J.K.Rowling is awesome!

  22. PARFUME <3
    On bloglovin :
    And google this :

  23. 1Q84 by Murakami. Like you, I am also a book lover :) have a nice week! xx

  24. I really want to read JK Rowling's new book! Since I, too, am a "struggling writer" finding money for books is sometimes hard, so my reading list is usually restricted to what I can get free on eBooks or at the library. :(

  25. I'm not really the reading (book) type....BUT I recently started reading Divergent. I'm glad my bf's younger sisters are into reading....they're like my library haha



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