Thursday, June 13, 2013

i think im addicted to bronzer, boys and alcohol.

Without sarcasm or shame, I confess: I love Snooki. Okay, maybe the celebrities I love aren't always the most popular or respected, but I long ago stopped caring about what other people think. There is something about her over the top style, makeup, and personality that I am attracted to. Perhaps this is because I've always been such a shy person. Who knows! Whatever the reason, I adore Snooki. I have every season of Jersey Shore on DVD, I own her books, and yes, I own both of her perfumes. (You may remember that her first perfume made my top 5 favourites list.)

I was able to pick up her second fragrance, Snooki Couture a few weeks back. Since I am such a fan of perfume - and of Snooki - I thought it was only fitting that I share my thoughts on this beautiful scent.

Let me start off by saying this perfume is completely different to her first. While Snooki was sexy, bold, and perfect for a night out with the girls, Snooki Couture is sophisticated and sultry. The scent is light but ultra feminine, blending lemon, apple blossom, pink honeysuckle, cashmere wood and musk. It is described as "fresh and feminine with a playful sexiness" and I couldn't describe it better! This is the kind of perfume that makes you feel like a confident, beautiful woman. It is absolutely perfect for a date or going out for dinner.

I find myself using this  a lot lately. It has become my go-to scent for evening. It smells so good - I can't get enough! The bottle is simple but cute, and the charms are a really great way to add some personality to the packaging. Snooki Couture also comes with a neon green flower ring. (As you can see in the first photograph.) That was such a fun little extra, and yes, I've worn it a couple of times!

Overall, I have to say that I love Snooki Couture as much as I love Snooki!

Have you smelled Snooki Couture? What do you think of this fragrance?

xo Shannon


  1. The packaging is definitely cute. I must admit. Well, I'm really boring & don't really have a favorite perfume. I do love sweet, fruity, & floral scents. I was a big fan of Viva La Juicy. I'm going to give this a sniff, next time I'm in Ulta or Macys. <3

  2. I LOVE Snooki!!! And I don't care what anyone else says either! Hahaha!!

    Check out my hair and makeup tutorials and all things beauty!


  3. Snooki is sooo funny ;)

  4. Snooki is so adorable to me. I am obsessed with her tanning skills! LOL! I haven't smelled any of her fragrances, but now I am curious... Have a great day Shannon! xx Pip

    Easy Outfits by Pip

  5. Hahah. What a cute title for this post, it made me giggle! I'm not the hugest fan of Snooki (please don't hate me!), but I feel like she would make a really nice perfume. I'll have to try it!

    Hope all is well!
    xo Sam

    DIY Huntress

  6. I love the packaging, I haven´t felt it, but I wat to buy something like this in these days... I´ll look around for it =)

  7. i love Snooki too. her attitude is just over the top
    am yet to try her perfume.
    kisses doll

  8. Love it <3

  9. Never heard of her, but the perfume as you describe has the proper package.
    About women and not only Blog

  10. i would like to smell it


  11. Such a cute bottle!! I read her book too! :-)

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  12. I've tagged you in the Seven Deadly Sins of Beauty Tag. You can read about it HERE
    If you do it let me know so I can see your answers! :)

  13. Love snooki!!! I'll probably love this too :)
    Love your blog. New follower right here :)

    Rebecca x | Ze Makeup

  14. love the bottle :D

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  15. I've never tried any of Snooki's perfumes, but I think I should! :)

  16. I have never tried Snooki's perfumes :(
    but I like her ;D

    I follow you via GFC.
    You would made my day if you follow me back <3
    Have a nice day xoxo

  17. I will definitely check it out!! Sounds perfect for summer :) Have a great day!!! <33

  18. not a fan of snooki, but how you described her 2nd fragrance sounds like my kind of scent! May just have to check it out!



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