Thursday, June 27, 2013

review: blinc

Every girl has her beauty essentials. For some, it's lip gloss...for others it's mascara. What is my beauty essential? Eyeliner - but, you probably already knew that! Since I am such an eyeliner addict, I am very particular about what eyeliners I do and do not like. Recently, I was lucky enough to try out some products from blinc, which included an eyeliner pen that makes me positively giddy, and a couple of other awesome beauty essentials.

If you haven't heard of blinc yet, get excited! They focus on "life-proof" eye products - which is always a good thing. There is nothing I hate more than my makeup moving throughout the day. Thankfully with blinc, that isn't an issue. I was able to try out a few products: the blinc AMPLIFIED mascara, the ultrathin eyeliner pen, and the eyebrow mousse.

Ready to hear some of my thoughts on the products? Let's start with the eyebrow mousse!

I am always, always looking for the perfect brow product. I have naturally thick brows, but they still need filling in to look nice. My shade was dark brunette and the match was perfect. Without question, this is the best brow product that I own. The formula wasn't too thick or too runny, the colour built nicely on the brows and looked really natural. What I loved the most was how well it lasted. My brows looked perfect all day and the eyebrow mousse didn't budge until I used makeup remover. I confess - I am in love! This is now my go-to brow product.

Next up? The blinc AMPLIFIED mascara.

Let me preface this by saying: I have never used a tube mascara before. (I know, as a beauty blogger, I'm as shocked as anyone!) So, this was a very new experience for me. What I really loved about it, though, was that this type of mascara doesn't smudge or flake at all - always good when you've got a long day. Also, the colour was jet black and added a ton of length to my lashes. It was definitely a different experience to use a tube mascara, but I was really impressed with it! I'm excited to keep using it.

And lastly, the ultrathin eyeliner pen!

I am in love. As I mentioned before, I am such a huge eyeliner fanatic. I am also very picky. But - when I saw this super thin liner pen, I knew this was something special. The liner tip is so thin that it allows you to apply the liner so precisely, making application a snap! You can also build up the thickness as much as you like. I found the thin applicator tip super helpful when doing a cat-eye makeup look, because I had total control. What I also loved? The consistency of the eyeliner and the long-wear. It didn't fade or smudge throughout the day. My perfectly retro cat-eye lasted all day long. I cannot get over how perfect this ultrathin liner is to use. I can look glam in seconds!

Another plus to these blinc products? I loved the packaging. Everything looked super sleek - and I loved the metal tubes the products came in. Super cute and practical!

So, how did my blinc makeup look turn out?

If you couldn't tell, I am loving these "life-proof" products from blinc! If you haven't checked out their makeup line, head to

What do you think of these products?

xo Shannon


  1. Your make-up looks amazing! And the ultra-thin eye liner pen looked like something that really deserved a rave! Blinc looks truly amazing :D

  2. love your makeup tutorial. your makeup looks really great!

    Kiki Simone

  3. I have been using Blinc mascara for several years now and I wouldn't use anything else now. It's so nice to NOT have smudging and flaking from my mascara anymore. It's also a plus that it washes off with soap and water instead of those greasy make up removers! I'm going to try the eye liner pen now that I have read your review, Thanks!

  4. I never tryed them but I love this review it's really interesting! ^_^

  5. Really loved your pics at the end!
    So beutiful!
    Stay in touch,

  6. Lovely. I like your blog. Follow me.


  7. I've never heard of this brand before but it looks like a pretty good product. Thanks for sharing :)

  8. Aren't they AMAZING??? I LOVE blinc!!! That ultra thin liner is crazy good! I use it all the time! You look GORGEOUS as always, though it doesn't take much! Great review Shannon!!! xo

  9. Great post! I defiently need to try out the eyeliner! Sounds fab! :) xx

  10. bella idea.seguiteci su

  11. great make-up, what foundation do you use?

  12. I love the eyeline, you look lovely!
    Chloe xx

  13. looks great the black mascara and your makeup as well!
    About women and not only Blog

  14. Amazing make up!

    FashionEvELand | FEEL

  15. wow your makeup is so gorgeous

  16. Your makeup is perfection. Love the shadow and liner
    xo Annie

  17. Your make-up looks amazing :-)

  18. You have amazing make up!! I love him! :)

    Visit my blog

  19. Those eyeliners are awesome!! and you are such a beauty. :)

    Style Without Limits

  20. You look pretty!! Amazing make up.

  21. SUPER!

  22. Wow what is your foundation?? Your skin looks like a doll! Totally love t!!

    1. Aww, thanks! It's actually Rimmel's Clean Finish Foundation. I've tried tons of high-end products and I actually love this one more. Go figure!


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