Thursday, September 5, 2013

life without a phone is riskier, lonelier, more vivid.

The impossible has happened....I've upgraded my phone! For a normal person, this isn't a big deal. For me, it's shocking. I have had 3 cell phones in my lifetime. Yup, just three. The last phone I had was so awful that it lost signal at random and started roaming in my bedroom. It was just so bad...which is why I finally decided to get a new one.

I chose the Blackberry Curve. I've never had a smart phone before, so baby steps! Also, I like that it has buttons, since I'm awful with touch screen anything. It didn't hurt that there was a super great deal on it as well. So far, I am really happy with my decision. I can text, get my emails, and check my Facebook and Twitter. Who knew?

Since I'm all excited about my new phone, I thought I would share pictures of my phone covers. I wanted something girly and pink. Success!

What do you think of these phone covers? What kind of phone do you have?

xo Shannon


  1. congratulations shannon!!! wow!!! you got me with that gameboy (?) cover hehe.. anyway, i think BB is cool!

  2. i just got the new iphone 5.. but i loveee blackberrys x

  3. Congratulation! Always a good and new phone is something good. Good luck with it!

    Kiss, Nati

  4. I love the covers hahha so cute! How about followin eachother Shannon? X

  5. They are so cute! I cant wait to get my new phone.

  6. I hate texting, so I only use my phone to receive calls, yet, I have an android with really helpful apps! I love your blackberry and your covers, they are beyond cute!

  7. Welcome to the Smartphone world!!! I've just upgraded to the Q10, and my mom has upgraded to the one you just got. I LOVE Blackberry. The keyboard is the main reason; it's great for texting, emailing and writing when I'm on the go. Oh, and then there's BBM! :D Congrats on your upgrade. Oh, and the Game Boy cover is awesome.

  8. i can not live without phone

  9. Those are such cute cases! I absolutely love looking for the cutest & most unique cases for my phone as well. & congrats on a new phone; I love the feeling of having a new phone or anything new. :D

    lots of love, Dana Carmella
    Bloglovin' & Blog: Pretty Odd ♡

  10. I love the polka dots cover!!! So cute cover!!!
    Happy friday Shannon!
    (For me IPhone forever.....)

  11. I hate changing cell phone! nice post!

    FashionEvELand | FEEL

  12. Once you have a smart phone you can never go back! And I always wonder how I lived without it before... ha ha! Isn't that so sad?
    CUTE phone cover!!

  13. I have the iPhone 5 and looking for the Chanel nail polish cover

  14. Congratulation in taking this big step. Now you can check blogs on your phone!

  15. Such a cool post!! I´ve got a blackberry too but mine is white!! :p

    Have a nice day!! Kisses from Spain ;)

  16. Great phone!!! I LOVE BLACKBERRY!

  17. but nice post
    New post: clicca qui
    thanks for dropping by on my blog, come see me on Inside Me
    good night

  18. Hi doll! Followed u back on Bloglovin! X

  19. That gameboy cover is so cute! Brings back memories! Lol

    Coffee Kisses, xo
    Lattes & Lacee

  20. Great cover.

  21. Congratulations on upgrading your phone with a much more convenient and efficient unit. Phones nowadays are really considered a necessity, and almost everyone has one. They have a lot of special and fun features, which also makes it as a way to entertain ourselves on the go. Anyway, thanks for sharing this post with us, Shannon!

    Allen Fernandez @ 1300EasyDial


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