Friday, October 11, 2013

one day I will find the right words, and they will be simple.

Things feel a little bit hectic lately. It's always a juggling act, but with my upcoming vacation to Los Angeles in a few short weeks, I'm desperately trying to get ahead. (Yes, I am going to visit LA in a little while, but more on that later!) But - I know that I need to just keep my  head down and stay focused. It can be challenging, though. The last couple of weeks have been a little more difficult than usual to be as productive as I want and need to be.

On a more positive note, however, I have been writing like crazy. So, I thought that I would share some of my more recent articles with you all!

Halloween Makeup Tutorial: Pin-Up Girl
Miley Cyrus' Biggest Fashion Faux Pas

Jada Beauty:
Get Ready Fast: Quick, Pretty Hairstyles
Celeb Looks Stolen From the Runway: Fall 2013 Hair Trends
Achieving Celebrity Hair at Home

Hairstyle Stars:
1920s Hairstyles from The Great Gatsby and Downton Abbey
3 Cute Medium Layered Hairstyles
3 Hot Curly Hair Highlights
The Best Products for Thin Hair

Beauty O'Holic: 
New Product Review: Cover Girl Creme Whipped Foundation
Geek Chic: Novelty Tees
Girls Night Out: Dramatic Evening Makeup

There you have it! Those are just a few of the articles I've written lately. I'd love if you checked some of them out and let me know your thoughts.

How has your week been? What has been keeping you busy?

xo Shannon


  1. Great blog! Thanks for sharing! Would you like to follow each other? Let me know!


  2. the title of this post is absolutely perfect.

  3. Hi Shannon! I'm sorry things have been so hectic. But how exciting that you're going to LA! Can't wait to hear all about that! The only part of California I've visited is San Francisco and Napa Valley... but I definitely want to visit LA! Glad you've been busy writing... very therapeutic! Have a wonderful weekend! xo Carla

  4. I know what you mean... It can be very tiring ...

    I think my favorite ones are the "Halloween Makeup" and the Hairstyles from Great Gatsby...

    Have a nice weekend...

  5. Beautiful post sweetie :)

    NEW POST...

  6. Lovely photo :) xx

  7. Great post! Ive been sooo busy witg school lately!

  8. I understand you sweety... BE patient, and don´t give up... hugs

  9. great post :) lolololol plz chexk out my new halloweenIE bvlog post hehehe :)
    <3 chloe-anna

  10. Hi!!How are you?? very nice post!!i really understand you and I'm sorry things have been so hectic.Hope that you enjoy your vocation at L.A. and you come back more positive and creativity!! <3 if you want take a look at my post and let me know your opinion about my post!! :) :)

    xoxo Stefania :)

  11. Keep on going girl. I know life is so hectic and I sometimes don't know how I get through my days sometimes. My toddler keeps me busy and he is very hyper-active and I have no idea how I manage to do the things I do during the day with him sometimes, but I just keep going and keep trying! I stay up way too late at night trying to do the things I want too and it makes me very tired. But I think life is too short to just remain stagnant!
    I read the article for thin hair and loved it. I do find if I take my vitamins regularly that my hair looks so much better. I hope you enjoy your weekend, Shannon and thanks for stopping by today. It always makes me happy to hear from you! :)

    xx Easy Outfits, by Pip

  12. I really liked that post :)

    FashionEvELand | FEEL

  13. I am gonna check your articles, congrats on writing so many =) I like your posts so much and you are a very active girl ! Kisses

    Fashion and Cookies
    Fashion and Cookies on Facebook

  14. Wow congrats on writing so many posts. I loooove yourt hair articles. Very usefull. ♥

  15. Great articles, thanks for sharing! How nice that you show us readers what you've been busy with :) I especially liked the 1920s Hairstyles one and 3 Cute Medium Layered Hairstyles one, they were great! Not that many blondes, but I guess we can't be everywhere :)

    E from Helsinki

  16. wowwwwwwwwww los angeles!!!! buon viaggio!

  17. WOW GIRL you've definitely been writing, I will have to check out your articles!
    LA?! Hit me up if you have some down time! Would LOVE to meet you!
    I TOTALLY know how you feel, there's just always SO much to do, but so little time, and when there is's the weekend and I KNOW that I should be balancing my life by actually taking a break and time for myself! But I totally feel ya girl!

  18. Love the picture! And i love each and every one of your posts <3 :) You are a great writer! We are following back!

  19. It does seem like it has been so busy!! You are going to have so much fun in LA!!

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings


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