Saturday, November 16, 2013

tag: crazy about lipstick

A little while back, I was tagged by the wonderful Kallie from But First, Coffee! in the Crazy About Lipstick tag. Since I can't resist a fun tag, I thought I would give this one a whirl! It is (obviously) all about lipstick. So, here goes!
The Questions:

1. How many lipsticks do you own?

Oh, this is a tricky one. I would least 25. At least. I've tried to curb my lipstick buying addiction recently, though! Most definitely, I have a good variety of pink, red, coral, and nude shades. What can I say...I like to have options.

2. What was your first lipstick?

Honestly, I don't remember! I'm sure that it was something like a super frosty pink, knowing my taste when I was younger. My preferences have certainly changed since then.

3. What is your most worn lipstick?

Either Buttercup by Maybelline, which is a really warm nude shade, or Berry Rich by Revlon, which is the perfect berry shade for me. I adore it!

4. What is your favorite brand of lipstick?

YSL. I don't have a lot of lipsticks from them, but I absolutely adore the rich, creamy texture. Plus, the colour pigmentation is absolutely beautiful! Definitely worth the splurge. 

5. What is your favorite finish?

I'm not super into glosses, but I don't necessarily want a matte finish all of the time either. I would say that I like something with a bit of shine to it.

6. What is the last lip product you bought?

It was one of the gloss stains by Maybelline in a really pretty dark brown. I already had a few of these in my collection because I just love the stain element as well as the subtle amount of shine it gives. I chose the colour because it was so different to anything else I had in my collection.

7. How many lip products (everything) do you currently have in your handbag?

Just two! I don't tend to carry a ton of makeup around with me when I go out. So, I just keep the lipstick I'm wearing and a chapstick. Nothing super crazy! 

8. What lip product do you use to rock a red lip?

My Revlon lip liner and my red lipstick of choice. This is usually either a pretty ruby shade from Tarina Tarantino or a bright red one from Rimmel.

9. How do you store your lipsticks?

I have one of those clear lipstick holders and then I also have a white plastic bin for any lipsticks that are longer or simply don't fit inside the holder. 

10. What lip products are you currently lusting after?

There are a few from YSL and Chanel that I am dreaming of. Gorgeous berry shades....yes please!

Those are my answers to the Crazy About Lipstick it's your turn! I encourage you all to do this tag for yourself. It was a lot of fun!

xo Shannon


  1. I loved your tag!

    FashionEvELand | FEEL

  2. Glad you did this tag! Buttercup sounds lovely!!

  3. I also really love Chanel lipsticks, but YSL sounds really great! You should do more tags like this.

    Xx J

  4. The YSL lipsticks look glamorous. I want them :)

  5. loved reading this post

  6. i have like only 2 lipsticks and i have to be in a certain mood to wear them!

  7. Nice post, love lipsticks! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    E from Helsinki

  8. Hello there!
    Great post here!!
    I love those lipsticks

    Join me on my GIVEAWAY!
    Two lucky international winners for this giveaway:


  9. I´ve always been obsessed with lipstick and gloss!


  10. Great Lipstick choices. :)

  11. Adoro essa tag! ;D

    Ótimo domingo, Shannon!

    Beijo! ^^

  12. Oh Iv seen some massive collections that bloggers have...mine is miniscule to say the least. But iv recently noticed that a good lipstick can have a huge impact on a look...Im going to invest in my collection for sure....starting with the MAC Ruby Woo..dying to get that one :)

  13. Nice tag! I totally love Chanel lipsticks.


  14. I love Chanel lipsticks :D

  15. love your lipstick!!!

  16. ...I love lipsticks and glosses...dior, ysl, mac my favourite products!!!!!!

  17. Haha.I did this tag too.

    Good job on yours. I enjoyed reading it.

  18. This is a fun tag! But I don't wear lipstick much haha Yet I always manage to have at least 5 lippies in my bag at all times. I want more YSL lipsticks, too!

  19. This is a fun tag! I've never really been a lipstick kind of gal, but I've just started my collection, I think I'm only at about 8 lipsticks, but I'm trying to make sure I use them all first hahaha
    I'm also really into the oxblood color and want to get a shade of it in lipstick!



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