Friday, December 27, 2013

one of the most glorious messes in the world is the mess created in the living room on christmas day.

Well, Christmas is over. It's amazing how quickly the day always seems to pass. (I hate that part. I always wish that I could rewind and do it all over again!) This year, my Christmas was lovely. I really needed the break from work, even though I am paying for it now. Christmas was also great because I was able to spend the day with the people I love most...what could be better?

It started off very early in the morning, as it always seems to. My brother and I opened up our stockings, ate tons of chocolate and waited for my sister to arrive. Then my family and I spent the rest of the morning opening up presents and eating way too much food. Later on, my lovely boyfriend came over before dinner. We exchanged gifts, watched Christmas movies, and spent time with the family. Needless to say, it was a wonderful Christmas.

While I try to recover from the holidays (and catch up on my work. Ack!), I thought that I would share a few pictures from the last week or so. From Christmas dinners to baking, and of course, Christmas's all here. Enjoy!

What do you think of these pictures? How did you celebrate the holidays?

xo Shannon


  1. Thank you! What a beautiful cake. =)

  2. Wow so many gifts. You look like you had a great time.

  3. Hope you had an amazing day! I love all the lights around your house they're so pretty! <3

  4. Aw looks like you had a wonderful Christmas!!! Mine was wonderful too... exhausting but wonderful! It's so fun having little girls... I live vicariously through them during the holidays! Happy New Year Shannon and thank you for your continued support on my blog! xoxo Carla

  5. Hey girl! I agree....Christmas always passes by too fast and it makes so sad! I too wish I could rewind and really take in each and every moment! It is such a beautiful holiday all about family (and food;). That giant sized gingerbread cookie is awesome! And you look so pretty in the pictures! Wishing you and yours a happy and healthy New Year:)!

  6. I dont celebrate christmas, but i really really want to decorate my house with christmas ornaments and of course a big christmas tree !!
    Your tree looks so awesome, im so jelly :(
    Merry Christmas pretty !!
    Happy holiday :)

    Please visit my blog if you have time :)

    Titany Shintamurti

  7. You look fabulous! great pictures darling
    check my blog if you want too:)
    NEW POST ->

  8. Adorei as fotos! ;)

    Ótimo sábado!

    Beijo! ^^

  9. you really had a great christmas!
    hope to see your post on new year eve!

  10. Happy Holidays beautiful girl!

    FashionEvELand | FEEL

  11. Wow what a great post and the tree is stunning!!!

  12. Cool pics and your Christmas tree is just awesome :)

    NEW POST...

  13. adorable photos!
    Emma xx

  14. You look like you had such a wonderful holiday! Hope you enjoy New Years as well!

    xo Sam
    DIY Huntress

  15. Whoa, your tree is so full! And I totally have those little cute snowmen I see in the background on the top shelf.


  16. Shannon, I hope you had a lovely Christmas and may all your wishes for 2014 come true!
    Thanks for all your lovely comments throughout the year
    Melissah from Scrapbook

  17. Looks like you had an amazing time :)

    xx Monica

  18. Lovely christmastree!!:)


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