Saturday, December 7, 2013

with the right colour of lipstick and a smile, i can change the world.

A little while back, I set a self-imposed ban on buying anymore lip products. Why? I have an absolute ton of them! I wanted to focus on using up the ones that I already owned, rather than buy more and more new ones. I was doing pretty well with that....until I saw the display for the new Revlon Colorburst Matte Balms. (They had a display for the gloss version of this as well, but it seemed rather sticky and goopy to me. Pass!)

I was instantly struck by the beautiful colours, the sleek packaging, and the fact that they were totally matte shades. So, I splurged on a couple of the colours. I ended up buying Elusive, which is a bold pink, and Striking, a bright red. I love the pink colour for a date night in or a fun shopping trip, while the red colour is perfect for a night out.

As for the formula, it is super creamy and has a nice amount of moisture. Also, the colour is nicely pigmented. It builds really well, so the colour can be as intense or neutral as you like! When it comes to the packaging itself - I absolutely adore it. It's essentially like a lip crayon, and the product twists up from the bottom. Super easy to use and easy to carry around with you as well.

Since adding these to my makeup collection, I've been wearing them a lot. These shades are really versatile and just plain gorgeous. Ready to see them in action?

Top: Elusive
Bottom: Striking

So, there you have thoughts on these gorgeous new matte balms. Overall, I am super happy with these. Even though I broke my lip product ban, I don't regret it for a moment. I am totally obsessed with both of these colours. 

Have you tried the Revlon Colorburst Matte Balms yet? Which colour do you like best?

xo Shannon


  1. I like so much this make up:)
    Your eyes are amazing!

  2. Lovely stone more time!

    FashionEvELand | FEEL

  3. Great post :)
    <3 victorique

  4. Wow! What can I say? ... intimidates me! Plots look!
    Great post! I congratulate the ability and talent to curiosity to me!
    I will always be coming back for more: *

    Katherine Unique

  5. Elusive is gorgeous on you ! Wow ! Now I want it too , stunning pics as always.

  6. Revlon lipsticks are awesome!
    Gorgeous colors :)

  7. hahaha i have the same problem, i own so many lip products!
    but this one looks amazing, maybe i will have to give it a try too!


    ♥ Melissa Broxupn
    Facebook + Instagram

  8. You look fab Shannon, amazing make-up!!!

  9. You are always so pretty babe, love the color on you <3
    Sarah Fogartya

  10. thar beautiful and nice post! I addition to your very nice blog, if you like I would be glad to see me go...see you soon...

  11. Both of them are stunning and you really know how to do your makeup perfectly! I prefer the first one on you though but I'm sure the darker one is perfect for a party nite :)

  12. We haven't tried these yet but they look so pretty on you!!

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings


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