Sunday, February 9, 2014

i don't have a shopping problem. you all have a problem with my shopping.

Oh shopping...will I ever get enough of it? Doubtful. There is just such a thrill of finding great items that really speak to you. Recently, I added some more pieces into my constantly expanding wardrobe. (Though, to be fair, a lot of these were gifts from my mom...which seriously helped my bank account.) I thought I would take this opportunity to show you a few of the latest things I've added to my closet. Here goes!

The first few items are some flats from Joe Fresh.There is a purple leopard print pair, a denim pair, and some super cute striped yellow shoes. I can't wait for the weather to improve so I can actually wear these!

Next is the Pretty Little Liars 'Hanna' dress that I mentioned in my last face of the day post. It's from Aeropostale and is super cute. What I love the most? It's flattering and the colour is perfect. This definitely feels like something Hanna would wear on the show.

I also picked up this faux-fur bag. I've been eyeing a gorgeous Michael Kors faux-fur bag but simply couldn't justify the price. So, I picked up this knock off instead for $20. It's not quite the same but hey, it works! Given the price, I am actually super impressed with the quality. TGFM (Thank goodness for Marshalls!)

More Joe Fresh stuff, courtesy of my lovely mother. She bought me a couple pairs of bright coloured cords, a sparkly gold belt, and a super cute glittery skull sweater. They are all super cute...and I am definitely spoiled!

I got a great deal on these Paris Hilton woven shoes, thanks to Beyond the Rack. $20 and they are absolutely gorgeous. Like the other shoes I picked up recently, I am waiting for the weather to improve so I can actually wear them out. Until then, it looks like I'm stuck with my boots....

Editing Note: Since Paris Hilton has decided to publicly support an abusive man, her products will no longer be reviewed on Mansa Fashion. All previous reviews will remain, but no new content will be shared. 

Lastly, I found this adorable crystal lipstick that I couldn't resist. It is the perfect way to decorate my makeup area, for sure. Too cute, right?

So, those are the most recent things in my life. I've been doing my best to be careful with money, so everything I buy tends to be reasonably priced or an absolute essential. Progress is progress, I suppose!

Have you done any shopping lately?

xo Shannon


  1. Haha I love the title of your post - pretty much self explanatory!
    I love the items you bought, especially those flats :)
    I haven't done much shopping lately but I'm saving up some money so that I can do a huge haul!
    xx, Tina

  2. Feels good to expand the wardrobe, doesn't it? Hurts the wallet, but good for the soul. Love the flats. The yellow ones are my favorite.
    Beauty Fashion Skin Care Blog -Girlie Blog Seattle | Casual Chic Style

  3. such a nice post.Love the doll shoes so pretty
    have a great week

  4. Love the title of this post! I didn't know that Paris Hilton had released a shoe collection, love the look of those woven ones that you've chosen, I doubt I'll find any of them in the UK though! The crystal lipstick is such a pretty piece as well.

  5. I love a good haul post! You got some great stuff :-)

  6. Love the title. :) and love the flats you purchased I always have trouble finding cute flats

  7. Wonderful items. *__*
    Lovely greets Nessa

  8. Wow! What can I say? ... intimidates me!
    I love all this stufs! I wont it! :-*
    Great post! I congratulate the ability and talent to curiosity to me!
    I will always be coming back for more: *

    I show 47 DIY ideas for Valentine’s Day - maybe you'll find something for yourself? ;-)

    Katherine Unique

  9. Great title!!!!!
    Lovely items!!!!!
    Amazing flats!!!!!!!!
    Have a great start of the new week honey!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Love the title:) so true, never ever have enough and always don't have anything to wear:)

  11. I love the title of the post <3
    Fabulous purchases my dear, love the blue dress!

    Sarah Fogartya

  12. wow, love your shooping items dear. lucky you :)

  13. omg... am super duper jealous of your amazing haul... I might just come over and get those lovely ballerinas and the colored cords. They are my favorite.
    Would you care to follow each other? GFC/Bloglovin/G+
    Do leave a comment when you follow and i'll follow you right back.

  14. Cute shopping items!!:)
    By the way i added some new combines and photos on my blog,if you and you guys wanna see here is my blog address :

    TAKE CARE! Kiss Kiss

  15. How glamour can look this crystal lipstick darling, enjoy wearing all your shops! xo

  16. Pretty ballerinas!!! Lucy

  17. all girls should say what you wrote in your caption :D

  18. Love your Haul! Especially the Lipstick Flacon, very cute! Merci for your lovely comment on my Blog - hope you‘ll come back soon♡Love, Kyra

  19. Great Haul Post!

    Love the title of this post by the way haha, I totally agree!

    That blue dress is beautiful, and the crystal lipstick looks gorgeous!

    Laura x

  20. Hahahahah LOVE the title of this post. So. friggin. true. Although I'll be the first to admit I spend very little on apparel (save the big bucks for investment pieces) but have been spending all my money on furniture! In total nesting mode this day and age :D

    Thank you for visiting and hope to see you back soon!

    Peace. Love. LOL!

    Haute Khuuture Blog

  21. great post, i can't say no to myself about shopping too,especially i love your pants <3

  22. Love the shoes.. Really gorgeous and the crystal lipstick will be a stunner on any vanity

  23. I went on a shopping strike just because I recently cleared out at least 6 bags of clothing and accessories from my closet, and it still looks full. So I've been trying to declutter and organize first. I also have been trying to splurge on staples like cashmere sweaters and designer denim because I know it'll last me a long time!
    I always do enjoy reading and seeing your hauls

    Amanda |

  24. Love those flats, especially the yellow ones! Take care! :X

  25. Love the shoes&prints! Bag is so nice! Actually, love all things that you bought! I love shopping and now is big sale in Belgrade. I bought 3 belts, 2 sweaters, some bags, hats...everything!


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