Friday, February 21, 2014

i'm addicted to bronzer, boys, and alcohol.

Review time! I feel like in the last couple of months I have been trying out a ton of new makeup products. (Which, let's be honest, I live for.) So, it only makes sense that I should review some of them! You may have noticed this next product at your local drugstore. Cover Girl has put out a few new things lately, including truMAGIC: The Sunkisser. I actually don't have a ton of stuff from Cover Girl, but this cream bronzer caught my eye.

So, what is it? This balm is essentially a creamy bronzer that can be worn underneath makeup or on top of your foundation. As you can see from the picture below, the packaging is pretty simple. The case is sturdy (which is great for someone like me who drops everything!) and has a little sponge inside. Honestly? Not a fan of the sponge. It gets kind of gunky and it isn't very effective at applying the product. It's not great for precision, either! I would recommend that you use a foundation brush or your fingers, instead.

Now, let's get into the nitty gritty. Is this product a hit or a total dud? Well, it's neither, really. I quite like the product....but I wouldn't say it's the be all end all of cream bronzers. You really can't beat the price, though! If you're looking for something that works well but isn't going to break the bank, The Sunkisser is for you. For a little more pigmentation and staying power, I'd recommend The Multipe Bronzer by NARS instead.

Pros? The colour is really pretty, the texture is silky, and the product blends out really well. It adds a beautiful glow to the skin. It can be used to layer underneath a powder product or just worn alone. Plus, it's easy to toss into your makeup bag.

The cons largely have to do with staying power. This isn't going to last you all day long without touch ups. You really do need to layer it with a powder to make the colour stay. Another downside is that there is only one shade available. The shade works for my skin but if you have medium to dark skin tones, this isn't going to do a lot for you.

So, you know what I think about the product. Ready to see it in action?

Overall, The Sunkisser is a nice product to wear on a comfy date night. It's quick and looks really pretty....but chances are, it's not going to be your new favourite beauty product.

Have you tried this bronzer? What did you think of it?

xo Shannon


  1. What a lovely color this bronzer has! Looks amazing

  2. Looks amazing!:)

  3. The colour looks amazing and looks fabulous on you !

    Feisty Fox Diaries

  4. Ooh I’ve been looking for a creamy bronzer to try underneath my foundation, I cannot resist at this price either!x

  5. ;)

    Adorei a resenha!

    Ótima sexta, Shannon!

    Beijo! ^^

  6. Love your blog! This makeup looks stunning on you :)


  7. I'm not a huge fan of Covergirl products, however I live and swear by their Aquasmooth foundation in a blue compact! Love it so much and highly recommend it for dry to normal skin types and especially women who want a cheap foundation but with great quality! Thanks so much for your comment earlier Shannon and have a great weekend!
    xx Easy Outfits, by Pip

  8. Cute and nice makeup :)

  9. I always thought you are very frotunate you girls apply make-up that you know so well. I do not understand anything of makeup! Now I try to learn .... mmmhhh ...I'm a blogger from Italy. If you want, take a look at my blog.

    My latest post

  10. hi blogger!!How are you today?? :) No i haven't try this bronzer yet. Here in Grecce we haven't Covergirl products.!I'm a big fan of seventeen products..It's a greek company and i buy my bronzer from there!! :) It will mean a lot if you have time to check my post too!! :) :)

    xoxo Stephania,

  11. I was looking at it while at the drugstore, but after feeling the tester, I didn't really like the texture. I will be skipping this one =) Thanks for the review!

    Des | Simple Charm Beauty

  12. It sure looks terrific on you......thanks for sharing! I will go check it out asap!


  13. Wow, the bronzer looks gorgeous!! :)

  14. Great review! your makeup is so beautiful, love the eyes! would love a tutorial.
    I'm also a big fan of bronzers and using L'Oreal blonde bronzer , which is quite nice.

  15. Looks lovely on you but i think that it would be a bit too dark for me! Unfortunately most bronzers just look too orange on me!


  16. The bronser looks amazing on! Love it,xx

  17. bahahahah! I adoreeee your title. A few of my favorite things as well. I must say your makeup looks absolutely stunning! I always wish I was a little better at doing sexy eye shadow like you have there. Love it, you complexion looks flawless. What a great bronzer. Hope you had a lovely weekend!


    i can’t afford my lifestyle

  18. Wow nice color and looking good


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