Monday, March 3, 2014

its a new era in fashion...there are no rules.

By now, you've probably heard all about the Peter Pilotto for Target line - or even bought some of it yourself! Bold prints, colours, and patterns galore! There were definitely some memorable pieces to choose from. Some of them, I absolutely fell in love with, and others weren't quite my style. I ended up buying quite a bit from the collection because the designs were so different to anything else I'd seen. This Target collection definitely lets you make a statement!

Even though this all went down last month, I am just now getting around to writing about the experience. It started very early on a Sunday morning. It was -20 out and my mom and I stood in line for 45 minutes before the doors open. (Along with a handful of other die-hard fashionistas, of course!) Before we got in there, we already had a plan of action. There were certain must-have items that we were after first. Anything else was a bonus!

Unlike the Phillip Lim for Target launch, people didn't run and hoard. It was more of a controlled chaos. There were a few pieces that I didn't manage to get to quickly enough, but the red dress I was lusting after was mine....victory! Despite the long wait and the endless line to try everything on, it was a really fun morning. After my mom and I finished shopping, we grabbed a drink and gabbed a bit. It was nice to spend that time together.

So, are you ready to see what pieces I bought from the collection? It totally hurt my bank account - but I was okay with that, somehow!

Long-sleeved yellow, blue, and black 
floral printed dress with belt. 

Sleeveless red, blue, and black peplum top.

Printed knit crop top with ruffled skirt.

My favourite - the red and black floral
printed dress with black belt. 

Accessories: two printed clutches, canvas sneakers,
and round printed sunglasses.

As you can see from my Peter Pilotto haul, I managed to get plenty of gorgeous new clothes. Now if only the weather would improve so I can wear them! One thing is for sure: my wardrobe is totally spring ready.

What do you think of the Peter Pilotto for Target collection? Did you buy anything?

xo Shannon Boyce


  1. I don't know Peter Pilloto - but his prints are wonderful. Love.


  2. Super Peter Pilloto :) C, xoxo.

  3. Beautiful clothes darling, I love the prints!!!

    Alicia & Sofía

  4. Amazing haul, I love every single piece!!!!
    Grgs prints!!!!!!!!
    Kisses my dear fashion friend!!!
    Have a lovely day!!!!

  5. Nice post! The shoes is very very wonderfull! Thank you for visiting my blog! Do you want to see my last post?
    Inside Me

  6. Amazing post!
    lovely blog!
    Stay in touch!

  7. awesome post :) xx

  8. Bella collezione,baci Angelichic

  9. Beautiful photos! Loving the collection... fashionable and affordable... just great!
    kisses from Miami,

  10. I saw these at Target, love the shoes!

  11. I want all of them. I loved this collection and the print play in it. I love all your picks.

    Have a great day.

    ~ Seepz
    Savoir Style

  12. It's all so pretty, love the shoes:)

  13. I LOVE Peter Pilotto!

    Do you wanna follow each other? Let me know x

  14. I LOVE the sixth photo from the top as well super cute! good pick

  15. nice blog if u wanna follow each other let me know i ll be happy maybe u can also make some cliks on my dressale wishlist :*


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