Sunday, May 18, 2014

real techniques: night owl makeup palette

If you read my last post, you'll know that I recently placed an order with Real Techniques. As a Pixiwoo fanatic, I couldn't wait to try out their very first makeup palettes! There are two on offer right now: Modern Natural and Night Owl. The first is a neutral palette with brown shadows and the second (pictured above) is a little smokier. Perfect for a night out!

The Night Owl set includes: four eyeshadow shades, one gel eyeliner, one blush, one cream highlight, and two mini lip glosses. One thing I love is how complete the set is. You can create a full look just by grabbing your favourite foundation and mascara. Ready to take a peek inside? Here is a closer look at the palette:

So many new products to play with! (Always an exciting thing, as far as I'm concerned.) Before I get into my review of the palette, these swatches will give you a better idea of the colours and pigmentation.

Top: eyeshadow shades.
Bottom: gel eyeliner, blush, and cream highlight.

As you can see from the pictures above, this set comes with four eyeshadow shades. One is a creamy white, there is a deep purple, a dark grey, and a shimmery charcoal colour. Overall, I was really pleased with the pigmentation. Each shade had a lot of colour and they went on really smoothly. Great texture and easy to blend. My favourite shade is that purple - it's super intense and it looks amazing! Love!

The gel eyeliner was...okay. I wanted to be wowed by it, but unfortunately, I just wasn't. The colour payoff wasn't great. It is a decent liner, but I expected a lot more. I think I will stick to my Maybelline gel liner in future. The cream highlight was another letdown. It looks really nice when you swatch it, but the formula isn't super creamy. You have to press pretty hard to get the product to come off. The blush shade on the other hand, I quite liked. The shade was subtle and soft. It gave a perfect flush of colour that didn't detract from the dramatic eye look.

Mini Lip Glosses

The lip glosses were another standout product from this palette. It came with two shades: a nude caramel colour and a bold red. I was surprised at how intensely pigmented they were and how smoothly they went on. The only negative? The size. I would absolutely love a full sized version of the red shade. I am a little bit obsessed with it!

So, there you have it. My thoughts on this set. Want to see the look I created using the Night Owl makeup palette?

Overall, I was happy with certain parts of this set and a little disappointed with others. But for just $25 I would say it is definitely worth the price. The eyeshadows, the blush shade, and the lip glosses are absolutely amazing. This is definitely something Real Techniques fans will want in their collection.

Have you tried this palette? What do you think of it?

xo Shannon


  1. That's such a pretty palette. Such nice colors and the look you created is so lovely!

    Kallie @ But First, Coffee

  2. nice make up!

  3. Great selection of colours, love the lippy too!
    Stop by sometime :) Much love, Jessica Blantonh x

  4. You are sooo beautiful! :-*
    As usual phenomenal post! You are a champion!
    I can see that you love what you are doing!
    Thanks for posting! Love you :-*

    Katherine Unique

  5. This looks great!! Awesome makeup
    Wishing you a blessed week ahead of you,
    kisses from Miami,

  6. This palette sounds anyway like a good deal and I have to say you created a flawless and outstanding makeup ! You always look gorgeous :)

    Fashion and Cookies
    Facebook / G+ / Bloglovin

  7. I haven't tried it, but it looks great and so does the make-up. :) Kisses!

  8. you are so pretty! and your make up.
    looking forward for more make up post from you.
    following you (:
    check out myblog
    hope you like it and we can be friends (:

  9. Beautiful <3


  10. The colors looked purely perfect!


  11. I love how your bright eyes make-up looks absolutely chic and perfect with red lips. It's a difficult mix yet you did a great job and the result is perfect



  12. you're always so pretty!!

  13. Shame about the Gel liner :/ But everything else is great :) !

  14. Shame about the gel liner :( But everything else seems great :)

  15. Love the makeup Shannon. The red lip gloss is indeed divine. Looks like a good buy ;-)
    Happy Monday doll

  16. Quedaste preciosas^^

  17. Beautiful palette! I love your make up! Thank you for visiting my blog! Do you want to see my last post?

  18. I haven´t but looks nice...

  19. oh i didnt know they released a palette too! im only familiar with their brushes, its just too bad that the creamy highlighter werent excellent, i was esp excited about that. PS you look pretty on these pics shannon :)

  20. Wow.. This is a gorgeous palette.

  21. diggin the dark shades, look amazing on you!

    Amanda |

  22. ...thank for this news...I love real techinques brushes...I want also this palette!!!!!!


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