Monday, June 23, 2014

even on a bad day, there is always lipstick.

During the spring and summer months, I am all about colour. On my lips, at least! There is nothing quite as fun as rocking a super bold lip colour. Some of my favourite shades right now are purple, peach, orange, and bright pink. Enter the new Cover Girl Colorlicious Lip Glosses. Okay, so I don't normally reach for a ton of Cover Girl products or a lot of lip glosses....but what can I say? I'm all about colour.

There was a good variety of colours to choose from, including nude shades, lilac, pinks, reds, and more. But the colour I ended up with was Fruitylicious. Why this shade? It was so bright and bold! Plus, it was different than anything else I had in my makeup collection already. The shade is a bright pink with a slightly red-ish undertone. It definitely knows how to make a statement.

So, how was it? Not bad! Surprisingly enough, this product gives off a ton of colour. I can't speak for the rest of the shades but this one in particular packed a real punch. I was amazed by the level of pigmentation. It didn't take a lot of product to get that bright summery shade to stand out.

The formula itself was smooth going on but it did get a little tacky as time went on. As someone who isn't a huge fan of lip glosses, I didn't find this particular one to be super sticky or annoying to wear, though. The packaging for this product was nothing special. It had a standard sponge tip applicator and a twist off cap. It got the job done, though!

Want to see what it looks like in action? I created a makeup look around the lip colour. I kept the rest of my makeup pretty simple and went with defined brows and some look-at-me lips. Here it is:

For the most part, I was happy with this purchase. The colour is beautiful and it has great staying power. The only drawback is that the formula tends to get a little tacky the longer you wear it. Re-applying is a must! I don't know that I will be picking up any other shades, but I can definitely see myself wearing this colour throughout the season.

What do you think of the shade? Have you tried any glosses from this line yet?

xo Shannon


  1. very pretty and bright color !

  2. That looks gorgeous on you!!

    shabna x x
    my blog ->

  3. Such a great color!

  4. I love the bold lip color Shannon! Pink and red are definitely my favorite colors for the season! The color compliments your eye color too! I haven't tried any glosses/lipsticks from Cover Girl yet, but I may give this a try:)!

  5. bellissimo il colore di questo gloss e ti sta benissimo *-*

  6. Gorgeous color Shannon and it looks so beautiful on your lips.

  7. This is wow,,,lovely shade

  8. I love that color, even better that it's long lasting!
    I haven't been into glosses lately, because I always seem to get it everywhere and is too sticky of a consistency for me, but I may need to try this!
    Amanda |

  9. The lipstick colour looks amazing on you ... WOW !!!

  10. Oh very beautiful color!

  11. The perfect red. :)

  12. color looks great on you x

  13. This is such a gorgeous color on you!!

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  14. ...I love gloss and I love this color!!!!!!

  15. This looks like such a great, wearable and every day palette! Love the look :)

    I definitely need to get my hands on one of these, I'm forever using my MUA palettes, need to try something different

    Laura x |


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