Sunday, June 1, 2014

style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn.

You may remember a post I did about a month ago on my new job as a fashion blogger for Style It Rock It. Since today I have officially been writing for Style It Rock It for a month, I thought I would give you all a little update.

So far, so good, I think! I have absolutely been loving it. Writing is such an important part of my life and having the opportunity to write about a topic I am so passionate about? It's a total dream come true. In fact, I find myself writing several posts ahead, just because I have so many ideas that I want to share. It has been really fun and I hope that feeling continues.

I've written a bunch of posts for the site since my last blog post about it. If any of them sound interesting to you, please take a look and let me know what you think!

Signs You're Emotionally Attached To Your Wardrobe
Fun With Floral
Are We All Going Fashion Crazy?
Staying Inspired - And Having Fun With Fashion
When Reality TV Takes Over
Crop Tops: Yay or Nay?
Why I <3 Betsey
Long Weekend Must Haves: Fashion Edition
Are You An Audrey or a Marilyn? 
The Impact of Technology on Fashion
3 Ways To Wear a Band Tee In Style
Snag Her Style: Lauren Conrad Edition

That is what has been keeping me busy lately! It's a great kind of busy though, so I'm happy.

What has been keeping you busy?

xo Shannon


  1. Congrats on the month ! It's amazing when your dreams come true. Hope your writing journey continues to blossom.

    Work has been keeping me super busy lately too.,com

  2. Well done on the new job, hope it's going well! The Marilyn Monroe one looks great so will have a read of that now!
    Stop by sometime, Jessica Blantonh x

  3. How cool! Its been a while since I've visited your blog so congrats on the new writing gig. Will have to check out some of your work!


  4. I'm happy that you doing so well

  5. Congrats for the new job..... well done!!!!
    Have a great start of the week doll!!!

  6. congrats for the new job!!!
    i follow you now !!!
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  7. #modelsdirect Models Direct supports this blog!!!

  8. These are really great! Congrats! Love the wide variety of posts you are writing :)

  9. I think you've got great talent Shannon and you're a respectable writer. Congrats to you and you go girl!
    Happy Monday

  10. I love your posts on here. Congrats Shannon!
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  11. Yes I remember! You have such a great list of articles! Can't wait to check out a few :)
    I've been busy with my boss' new business endeavors of starting a blog and social media outlets, also editing a promotional video for her....has been stressful, I guess better than doing nothing!

    Amanda |

  12. Congrats to you Shannon :) your honest in your writing and chatty and that's all that matters! Happy for you!

    Elisse x

  13. Ciao darling, have a lovely day!!!

  14. Congratulations dear! Love your posts there!

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