Wednesday, June 25, 2014

there's something in the new york air that makes sleep useless.

I’ve done it again. You may remember a post I did a few weeks back about the NYC Individual Eyes palette. I was super impressed with the ease of use and the wearable shades. So, when I saw a display jam packed with their newest Individual Eyes palette….well, I couldn't resist. (How many times have I said that? And how many times will I say it again in the future? So many questions!)

Yes, I bought another NYC palette. This one is called “Best of Broadway” and was created for Brown Eyes. Okay, so I don’t have brown eyes, but I certainly love the eyeshadow shades! There was something about the earthy tones that stood out to  me. 

Like the other NYC palette, this one includes a shimmery cream illuminator and a neutral eyeshadow primer. Defintely a fan of these. It’s not that they're the best ever, but it’s nice to have them in the palette. So handy!

Now onto the shadows. There are four here: a highlighter, all over lid, crease, and contour shade. The highlighter is a shimmery champagne, the all over lid colour is a shimmery goldish peach, the crease shade is rust, and the contour is an olive green. The pigmentation is similar to the other palette I tried – quite good. Not incredible but there is definitely some good colour payoff. (Using the primer really helps to make them pop!)

The colours themselves are gorgeous. I love how the shades work together to create a dramatic but wearable makeup look. In general, I am a big fan of browns and bronzes, so these earth toned shades are definitely within my comfort zone. There is just something about the colours that makes me happy!

Want to see the makeup look I created with these colours? Here it is…."The Best of Broadway!”

Overall, I am quite happy with this palette. I knew what to expect going in, so that helped. I just love these pretty shades. In fact, I think I prefer this eyeshadow quad to the first one I tried! It is definitely great when you’re on the go or need to get ready quickly. What can I say…..I love NYC!

Have you tried this makeup palette? What do you think of the colours?

xo Shannon


  1. Shannon you look as beautiful as always. Love the makeup. Who said those colors are just for brown eyes was wrong, oh so wrong. They look gorgeous on you girl!

  2. You look so pretty!!! nice makeup!!
    Have a good week!! and my g+ for your post!!!:)))

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  3. Such a pretty look as always! These colors are really nice!
    Kallie - But First, Coffee

  4. the colours work well with your skin tone! x

  5. Great colours-you look gorgeous!

  6. The look you created with this palette is so pretty!! I've only tried one trio of eyeshadows by NYC and I wasn't super impressed but the ones you show look great. I definitely need to try it!

    Ps: I just can't get over how stunning your eyes are haha :)

  7. Absolutely love the colour palette. It's got a combination of my favorite shades. Definitely need to get this one :) Hope you will visit my blog too.

  8. Amazing palette!!! You look fab!!!
    Have a lovely day doll!!!

  9. Wow,love the makeup so fresh
    Great colour palette

  10. That palette looks so nice and the make up look
    suits you very good, very pretty result ! Great purchase !
    Wish you a good week,
    lot of greetings,

  11. The colors are beautiful and you apply it like an expert:)
    Aesthetic Lounge

  12. Always loving your makeup! Good job dear!

    Evi xoxo

    The Notebook of a Fashion Lover

  13. Nice makeup, you have a beautiful eyes, so nice this palette from NYC.


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