Thursday, July 31, 2014

love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.

Things seem to be moving quickly lately. Everyone I know is talking wedding, wedding, and more wedding. Meanwhile, I am still trying to process the engagement! So, instead of thinking about to-do lists and making plans, I am dedicating the next week or so to enjoying the moment. My boyfriend and I are engaged....and I am happy. Everything else can wait.

On that note, I thought that I would post about our trip. As I mentioned in my last blog post, we had gone away for the weekend when he proposed. Our trip started off with a 3 and a half hour car ride to Upper Canada Village (which is a village full of old houses and artifacts from 1800s Ontario, Canada). The day there was really fun. We just explored the village and acted like kids. It was really nice. After we finished up there, we walked around the grounds - where he proposed! - and then got back in the car to spend the rest of the day in a nearby town.

The rest of the Saturday was a flurry of phone calls, text messages, and oh my gosh....we're engaged! moments. Even the normal moments seemed pretty special. We ended up eating dinner at Kelsey's because they have the best drinks ever. It was a really nice end to the day.

Here are some pictures from Day 1 of our weekend trip:

On the Sunday, we made the most of the free breakfast at the hotel before driving to see Fort Henry. It was interesting but there wasn't a whole lot to do there. We just looked around and snapped some pictures for a couple of hours. Then it was back in the car to head home. Along the way, we stopped off at The Big Apple - which is apparently a super giant apple that you can walk inside. They also sold apple based products, had a little zoo, and stuff like that. It was so novelty and cute. I loved it! After that was over, it was back home to share the big news with our families.

These are some of our pictures from Day 2:

So that was it! Our memorable weekend away. One thing is for sure: I will never forget it.

When is the last time you went away or took a vacation? What did you do there?

xo Shannon


  1. You're so beautiful! And congrats on your engagement! You two make a lovely couple!
    Followed you on GFC hope you can follow back ;)


  2. Congrats again Shannon. Look at that happy smile he has on his face. I am sure you'll never forget this trip. The last time is too long ago, lol and this year it's staycation again, though. Thx for sharing your precious moments, love the pics and the blue dress you're wearing.

  3. That little lighthouse is so cute! It's a really great trip and you seem really happy (ps you're gorgeous in that blue dress)

    Hope you'll have a look of my blog!

  4. aw cute. And congrats on your engagement! Love that last photo. So fun!
    Sharron Murphy

  5. Congratulations gorgeous! How exciting xxx

  6. I am so happy for you!! And you look gorgeous. :)


  7. Looks like you guys had an amazing weekend! Congratulations on your engagement! Please check out

  8. OMG! Congratulations! That's such great news. I love love stories! :) You both look great together.

    ~ Seepz
    Savoir Style

  9. it seems that u had a lots fun! nice pics!

  10. Congrats!!!!!!
    Lovely pics... a lot of fun!!!
    Happy WE darling!

    My Facebook

  11. congrats on your engagement!!

    Thank you for your lovely comment!

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    - Hannah's Heels

  12. Beautiful pics, congrats about your boyfriend proposing, happy for you :)

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