Thursday, August 28, 2014

nourishing yourself is attainable. and you are worth the effort.

So, I'm back. At the moment, I am slowly trying to catch up on things and get back into my regular routine. That is proving difficult because the week following my vacation has been equally action packed. The day after I got back, I went to a concert with my fiance - and later this week there is another concert happening. How am I supposed to keep up? I suppose these are good problems to have: too busy having fun to relax!

Speaking of relaxation....I am doing my best to make time for myself. (Yes, despite my hectic schedule.) A little while back, I picked up these face and under eye masks. They are supposed to brighten and tighten the skin and make it look younger. Sounds good to me! They cost $5 for a pack of four masks, so I thought, what the heck. They come in these individually wrapped packages, which you can see below.

What did I like about the masks? They are super quick and easy to use. They come wrapped. That makes it simple to just remove them from the package and apply them to your face. I definitely prefer this type of mask to a full blown scrub or cream. They can be so messy! These were neat, smelled nice, and got the job done. It was just a good way to spend a little time on myself.

The directions recommend using these 2 to 3 times a week. Realistically, I probably won't be all that diligent. (If past experience is anything to go by!) But my goal is to try and do a full face mask once a week and use the Naked Eye mask once a week. Between the two, my skin should be looking great in no time...right? Well, a girl can dream! Here is a closer look at the masks:

Those face masks turned out to be exactly what I needed. Being honest, they were pretty average. I don't know that my skin looked any younger after using them - but they definitely helped with my dull complexion. What I really loved? Taking just fifteen minutes to look after myself. It helped me de-stress and unwind for a little bit. And that is priceless.

When is the last time you pampered yourself?

xo Shannon


  1. How beautiful ! need one!
    Kisses from Miami,

  2. I did a face mask just last night, soo relaxing!

  3. Enjoy your time in the concert. I haven't tried the products. You have a nice blog. xoxo
    Enara's Things

  4. I never tried this kind of mask.. Maybe I need to buy it ;)

    Thank you SO much for your lovely ( as always by the way) comment!

  5. Welcome back Shannon ;) Isn't that the greatest and most important part of doing a mask! These fifteen minutes are like a little vacation I enjoy. You're so right, it de-stressed me all the time and that's priceless. Last weekend I had the time to pamper myself with a mask and I will do it tomorrow again :)
    kisses darling

  6. Hi Shannon, I do take time to pamper myself with hair masks or a massage, and then I feel so much better!
    Coco et La vie en rose / Bloglovin / Facebook / International Giveaway

  7. Great post!<3 xo

  8. what you wrote is so true...I try to find time for myself everyday.

  9. Great products dear!!! :)

    Fan page:


    Kiss Tea

  10. I love a good face mask, but thanks for being honest with your review!!

    Amanda |


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