Monday, August 18, 2014

there’s nothing as cozy as a piece of candy and a book.

What is it about Hard Candy? I swear, every time I try to stop myself from buying more of their makeup, I wind up with another product to review. Oops! I think it has to do with the affordable prices....but also because they add new things to their collection all the time. As someone who likes to try out tons of different products, that is always nice.

That is how I wound up with another Hard Candy product. This one is the All Glossed Up Lip Crayon. I am always on the lookout for lip products that are easy to wear. I hoped that this would be one of them! The product claimed to be a highly pigmented stain balm that gave your lips tons of gloss and shine. Was it? Well....sort of.

The colour I chose was a deep pink. It ended up looking quite nice. Strong but not too bold. Definitely an easy shade to wear on a night out or if you're heading to dinner. What I like? The colour was nice and had decent pigmentation. I also like the twist up crayon. It reminds me of the Revlon Lip Crayons in that regard.

What I didn't like? The product has this plastic kind of smell to it. Very disappointing! I haven't been wearing it all that often simply because I can't stand the scent. That was such a let down. It is important to note that the colour itself comes off nicely and there is a bit of a stain going on....but the full colour doesn't last. As it looks in the picture below? Maybe for an hour or two. The gloss lasts for a half hour or so and then it disappears.

Take a look at the All Glossed Up Lip Crayon in action:

It wasn't a total flop or anything like that. For me, this was a so-so product. It gave off a nice colour but between the scent and the staying power....I wouldn't exactly run out and add more colours to my makeup collection. In fact, I wouldn't even recommend this lip crayon to anyone that reads this blog. I'm curious - if you've tried it: what were your impressions?

Do you like this lip crayon shade? What do you think of the product?

xo Shannon


  1. A great option to the Revlon, and the color is so beautiful!


  2. No I haven't tried it yet and as you don't recommend it I probably won't, though. I think the color looks good on you. Great makeup as always.
    Sorry for being late but I still try to restore my blog, it takes ages to get everything back, but at least it can be done.
    kisses honey

  3. It's a shame the product wasn't very good! But the colour looks so lovely on you :)

    Becky x

  4. I've been loving the lip crayons lately! This color is gorgeous

  5. Lovely post!

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  6. tu es super jolie!

    Nouveau post en ligne sur le blog :
    Coline ♥

  7. In action looks very good, I like the shade, personal I never tried this type of product. xo

  8. It looks so good on you. I have never tried it before but I want to now. :)


  9. Lovely color dear!!!

    Kiss Tea

  10. This looks gorgeous on you!!!! :)

    Layla xx


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