Wednesday, September 24, 2014

let the blue sky meet the blue sea.

Review time! I picked up this single eyeshadow from Hard Candy a long while back....but never got around to reviewing it - or really even using it a whole lot. It was one of those impulse buys. The price was quite cheap ($3 CDN) and the marbled pattern intrigued me. I noticed it hanging around my "To Review" box and thought....oh yeah! I still need to review that! (The life of a beauty blogger, am I right?)

This shadow is from Hard Candy's Single And Loving It Collection. There are a few other shades but this one was a little bit bolder than the rest. This colour is World Peace. As you can see from the picture above, it is a marbled shadow that has a light blue, navy blue, and green all mixed into the same shadow. Now the website claims that these colours can be used separately or all together....but let me tell you - using them separately is rather difficult. You need a small brush, a lot of precision, and some patience. It can be done. But it is certainly not simple to do so.

As you may know from previous reviews I have done about this brand, their products are either hidden gems or total misses. This one fell in the middle somewhere. While the colours were quite nice, the product was difficult to use and had a fair amount of fall out. That made application more challenging than I would like. I realize that the price was quite low for this - but irregardless - I expect more.

Despite anything this eyeshadow may be lacking, I did manage to create a pretty nice look with it. The colours are bold but not too over the top. It added a nice pop of colour to my makeup look, for sure. Take a look and let me know what you think:

Hard Candy is one of my favourite drugstore brands - but I don't know that I am totally loving this eyeshadow.. It is simply too difficult to make the most of the different marbled colours. While the end result was quite nice - I am more likely to grab other shadows from my collection. 

Have you tried any of the Single And Loving It shadows? What did you think?

xo Shannon


  1. Never heard of this brand, I guess they don't sell it here in the Netherlands. The eyeshadow looks pretty sweet, it is a nice pop of color :)

    Melane | Pure Perspective

  2. wow!!!
    you are so beautiful!!!

  3. Wow, so pretty. ;-)
    Lovely greets Nessa

  4. You're beautiful!!! This makeup is perfect!

    NEW GIVEAWAY on my blog ♥

  5. Wow that's pops on you :D

    It absolutly looks FAB on you :D:D

    Happy Thursday!


    Lodinatt Bag Review!



  6. Beautiful look, I love hard candy products, I always use their eye primer.

  7. I think you did a great job with it! love it!

  8. This eyeshadow looks stunning on you !

  9. Such a pretty makeup look! This color looks beautiful on you ♥
    I have to try this eyeshadows!
    xo, Diana

  10. I've never heard of this brand before but I think the shades look amazing and they really suit you :) I've followed your amazing blog! xxxx

  11. that's a really pretty shade but don't think i'd dare to wear it. i'm such a neutral person when it comes to makeup

  12. The colour looks gorgeous on you. And your eyes look stunning.

  13. so pretty, love it!! xxo

  14. you are wonderful as always :) and the blue is perfect for your beautiful eyes

  15. Your eyes looks so blue with this make up.Very beautiful!


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