Tuesday, September 16, 2014

review: adam levine eau de parfum

Oh celebrity fragrances. I must have a million of them by now....yet I never seem to say 'no' when another one comes into my life. Case in point? The Adam Levine Eau de Parfum: For Her. In my defense, this happened to be on sale for $9, so really, who could resist that? I am a fan of Maroon 5 and of The Voice - but I didn't really plan on picking up this fragrance. Yet it made its way into my life. Go figure!

So, what is it like? To start with let's talk about the bottle and the packaging. I love this aspect of the scent. It was clear that a lot of thought went into the packaging. It has a picture of Adam on the front, a cardboard cover with removable cap, and then there is the bottle itself. The top part is metal mesh that is made to look like a microphone. How cute is that? Then the rest of the bottle is simple and sleek. I like that the packaging actually related to Adam and what he does for a living.

The scent itself? It's...okay. Nothing special to be honest! It has a light feminine quality to it with a hint of floral undertones. Good for day time wear but it isn't something I would necessarily grab on a regular basis. I think it is better for spring and summertime. Say you are planning to sit out on a patio or go on a picnic lunch. Perfect for those simple days when you want a perfume that won't be too overpowering or distracting.

While the scent may not be remarkable, the bottle is! I love the way it looks displayed in my perfume collection. And for $9, I don't feel like I lost out by buying it. Would I recommend this perfume? Probably not if you saw it for full price. If you can manage to score a good deal on it....this may be something to consider.

Have you tried this perfume? What did you think of it?

xo Shannon


  1. I had no idea that Adam Levine had released a fragrance, I wasn't expecting that. I'm in the UK so I don't know if it's on the shelves here or not, I haven't heard of it or seen it. I really like the concept of the bottle!



  2. i love adam levine!! so i want to try it!! muaa

    Te espero en : Un Rincón Para Mis Botas blog

  3. $9? I'll take "just okay" for that LOL. Plus Adam is awfully handsome.
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  4. adam levine !!! he's so handsome..


  5. It was really fun yes. =)


  6. that's a steal for $9!


  7. ;)

    Parece ser um perfume muito bom!

    Ótima quarta, Shannon!

    Beijo! ^^

  8. interesting.. i hadnt heard any feedback about the perfume

  9. Sounds great. ;-)
    Lovely greets Vanessa

  10. very interesting and cool point of view

  11. Nope haven't tried it, yet. But sounds worth a try ;) well I love perfume, although I am not into the celebrity ones, most of them were just not my thing, though. The last one I tried was waterfall by Cindy Crawford :/ Will check this one out on Friday.

  12. would love to try it,it sounds great

  13. Interesting, i don' tried this perfume...

  14. I didn't even know this was out as I am so out of the loop with fragrances anymore. I have such a hard time with fragrance because I am so picky. I'm still searching for my perfect one after 35 years of living. However, the best one so far I have ever worn is Jivago 24K! It is expensive and smells expensive and it is simply a gorgeous scent. I think I need to just buy it again. Hope all is well Shannon!
    xx Easy Outfits, by Pip

  15. Really interesting, I'm always in searching for present for my Bf.
    The Spiral D
    Facebook page

  16. fantastic idea - he made a fragrance for her

  17. I do now want to know how the fragrance smells like!!


  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I'm a die-hard Marooner and I love Adam Levine!! You're right the bottle's top is so cute it looks like a microphone! :D I just read your blog and I'm already falling in love with it. I hope we can become friends.

    PS: you're really beautiful <3



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