Friday, October 24, 2014

birthdays are good for you.

Some people dread their birthdays. Some people don't care about them all that much. As for me? I love birthdays. I love to celebrate my own birthday - and I love to celebrate other people's birthdays. There is just something excited about reflecting on the year that has passed. It is a chance to stop, appreciate life, and think back on how much has changed. This year....I am doing just that.

Today is my birthday. I have taken the day off of work so that I can sleep in, have an at-home spa day, read a book, and spend some time with my family. On the agenda for tonight? Dinner with parents, siblings, and finance. It is not my year to pick where we go for dinner (I am a twin so tonight we are celebrating my birthday and my brother's birthday!) - so I am not totally sure where we will end up. Hopefully the food will be good. After that, cake and presents at home and maybe a TV show or movie to end the night off right.

As for tomorrow, that is when the real fun starts. My friend and I are going to the city to celebrate properly. Think: Spice Girls theme, a gay bar, and plenty of adventures. I am definitely looking forward to that. I will be sure to update you all on how that goes, what I end up wearing to the club, and anything interesting that happens!

So....needless to say, I am very excited that it is my birthday. I can't wait to relax, have a little me time, and see some of my favourite people. After all - that is what birthdays are all about! Whether today is your birthday or not, I hope you all have a fabulous weekend.

xo Shannon


  1. Happy happy birthday Shannon and many happy returns of the day. May all your dreams come true honey. Enjoy yourself and have a good time today.

  2. Happy birthday to your and your brother! Hope you've had an amazing day so far! So glad that you took the day off! You deserve it!

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  3. Happy birthday! I hope you had a great party!
    Kiss, Sily

  4. HB!! I agree, I love birthdays, I think it's silly to sulk about them. It's an excuse to celebrate!

  5. Happy Birthday dear Shannon! Wishing you another good year!!!! xoxo
    xx Easy Outfits, by Pip

  6. Happy Birthday! I hope you have the most relaxing evening. It must be so lovely having a twin - double the fun I should think haha.

    Shannon at

  7. Happy birthday! And so neat you are a twin!

    Des | Simple Charm Beauty

  8. Happy birthday!!
    Your blog is quite amazing dear!
    Beautiful pictures and great design! Love it!
    I would really appriciate if we would follow each other on GFC and BL!
    xoxo Colli
    my Blog - TOBEYOUTIFUL

  9. Happy bday lovely Shannon! My bday draws near too!
    Coco et La vie en rose / Bloglovin / Facebook

  10. I agree with every word and happy birthday!! :))


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