Wednesday, October 22, 2014

blushing is the colour of virtue.

Few things in life can compete with a good blush. As a self-confessed makeup addict, there are certain things that make my heart beat a little faster. Those things tend to be eye shadow and blush. There is something about the range of colours, finishes, and pigmentation that gets me positively giddy. A little while back, I popped into Top Shop at Hudson's Bay. While I was there, I managed to snag a super cute distressed moto-skirt (on sale and in my size. Score!) and a blush. I can't say that I own a ton of Top Shop makeup - but what I do have I am quite happy with. This blush was no exception. Ready to take a peek inside and read my review? Here goes....this is Do It Again

As you can see from the picture above, this particular blush has a really pretty peach tone. In my (admittedly extensive) collection of blushes, I actually only have a couple that have that peachy sort of look. Perhaps that this why this called to me in the store! It wasn't very expensive - and well - I just had to have it. Story of my life! The colour itself is very pretty. This pink-peach colour is very wearable but still adds a little pop to the cheeks.

What I really like? It has a subtle shimmer to it which adds a lovely glow to the cheeks. It is like a blush and highlight all rolled into one! That makes this the perfect grab n' go blush for the days that you are in a rush and don't have a ton of time on your hands. Lately I have been using this a lot on date nights. I adore the boldness of the shade - and the fact that it isn't too over the top. It is the perfect balance of colour pigmentation and wearability. I was also very happy with the texture of the product. It is very smooth and easy to blend. (Another reason it is so great for the days when I happen to be running behind.....)

Lately I have been very into fall inspired makeup. You know, dark smokey eye makeup and berry coloured lips. I've found this peach blush to be the perfect addition to these fall looks. Even though peach is often associated with the spring and summer, I find that the colour helps to balance out the darkness of those typically 'fall' makeup looks. You can see Do It Again in action in my latest FOTD below:

Spring, summer, winter, or fall.....blush is always on the menu. If you are a blush lover, then I would definitely recommend giving this blush from Top Shop a try. The packaging is sleek, simple, and cute, the colour is beautiful, and the texture is divine.

What do you think of this blush shade? Have you tried any makeup from Top Shop before?

xo Shannon


  1. This is soo pretty. I haven't looked at TopShops range for a while.

  2. Flawless,great post
    Love the brush colour it really blend well with your skin tone

  3. pretttyyyyy! love the color!♥

  4. Great product! I love it:)

  5. that seems like a great topshop product x

  6. That blush looks amazing, I really love your makeup
    Candice | Beauty Candy Loves

  7. ;)

    Esse blush é lindo - Tanto a cor quanto a embalagem!

    Ótima quinta, Shannon!

    Beijo! ^^

  8. What a lovely shade of blush on you! Do you ever use liquid blushes?

    E from Helsinki, Finland

  9. It looks great on you!

    I never tried any topshop make-up. In fact, they said that they would open in Portugal this years. However, the year is ending and no topshop in Lisbon ..


  10. So pretty. ;-)
    Lovely greets Nessa

  11. Love the packaging of that compact, so chic!


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