Thursday, October 30, 2014

if you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story.

I like date nights. Now, I admit, they don't happen as often as they used to. My fiance and I make time to see each other as much as our schedules will allow....but that usually means a night curled up on the couch. With major expenses on the horizon (like a wedding and finding a place to live) - those nights at the movies or eating a nice meal out? They are a little more scarce. For the most part, I am okay with this. It just makes it even more exciting when we actually do get the chance to go out! 

Recently, we went to dinner and a movie. So, I decided to put on a super cute and girly outfit for the occasion. It featured purple lipstick, an oversize heart print button down, a glitter headband, and a pair of skinny jeans. Perfect for a causal date night. The shirt was a gift from my parents (they picked it up on a recent trip to London) and the glitter headband was something I have had kicking around for a while but never actually bothered to wear. As for the makeup, it was a simple eye look using shades from the Urban Decay Naked 3 palette, lots of black liner, and the Bite Lip Crayon in Grape. 

So, without further ado...this is my casual date night outfit and makeup! 

I am very happy with how this look turned out. It was simple, easy, but still had lots of girly elements to it. Personally, I absolutely love the heart print shirt. It is roomy but very easy to wear. This was just one of those nights that I really enjoyed the process of getting ready. With such a hectic schedule most of the time, this was a nice change. It meant that I actually got to have a little fun, play around with different makeup ideas, and see where my inspiration took me. Speaking of makeup ideas....this is a closer look at the makeup I ended up wearing for my date night:

I think there is something special about going on a date. The excitement as you rummage through your closet, the butterflies in your stomach, and going home at the end of the night with a smile on your face. Even though my fiance and I have been together for over two and a half years, I still feel that way when we have those evenings out. I love it!

So, that was my casual date night look. What do you like to wear out?

xo Shannon


  1. This is such a cute look!

    Check out my new post Here!!!

  2. it's so cute! and yay for dates whenever and whatever they are. They are truly sacred (incl the couch)!

    Inside and Outside Blog

  3. Such a cute look Shannon, beautiful. I am all for date nights, whenever, where ever. What I wear depends on where we go, casual for a movie nite, dressy for a club nite, tho.

  4. You look gorgeous! <3

  5. you are so pretty, dear! I really love ur make-up here + blouse :)

    xoxo ♥

  6. I love the blouse you wore.. Soooo pretty and fun !

  7. You look gorgeous dear!

    Please help me by clicking in some of the links on this post,

  8. I love that you have date nights, it's always good to make sure you save time for each other! You look glam as well! xx

    Blog With Laura

  9. Love date nights! You look flawless.
    Happy Halloween!
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  10. Lovely make up! Thanks for sharing!
    New Post:
    Nothing to Wear

    Love from México,

  11. Love your blouse, so pretty. ;-)

  12. Your makeup is so pretty!!

    Petite yet Chic

  13. So pretty!!!

    FashionStarr xoxo

  14. ;)

    Amei o look e a make!

    Ótimo sábado!

    Beijo! ^^

  15. beautiful! so chic, so girly! and really love that orson's quote in the title. so, true!
    i'm following you on twitter. hope you'll look for me too. see you around!

    a possible fantasy

  16. this ootd is very close to my style , love it , btw happy birthday .


  17. cool look)))


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