Sunday, October 26, 2014

some of the sweetest berries grow among the sharpest thorns.

Does anyone else get excited about fall makeup? You know, the rich colours, the smokey eye looks, and the glamorous finished product? Out of all the seasons, fall makeup trends continue to be my favourite. There is just something about the drama! This is probably why I have been reaching for one particular lipstick. Over and over again. A lot. The recent favourite is Iced Amethyst from Revlon. In the past, I have had good success with Revlon products in general - but especially their lip products. They manage to feel creamy and rich but still have the intense pigmentation I love.

This shade is from the Revlon Super Lustrous line and is absolutely perfect for fall. I don't tend to wear it a whole lot outside of this season - but that doesn't mean I don't absolutely love it. It just perfectly pulls together those darker eye looks paired with berry blush. Iced Amethyst is a berry tone that borders on a deep purple. It is wearable but bold, which I love.

Something that really stands out to me about this lipstick? How naturally it wears off. The colour lasts for a few hours without re-touching. That is pretty standard. But some lipsticks tend to fade unnaturally or leave harsh lines around your lips. This doesn't do that. It fades away really naturally until the colour looks more like a stain. hat means even if you don't have a chance to nip off to the powder room, your lipstick will still look good!

I guess it goes without saying that I am a fan. In general, my go-to favourite fall lipstick colours are Iced Amethyst, Berry Rich (also from Revlon), and Brick from Joe Fresh. Despite the higher end products I have in my makeup collection, there is something about these drugstore shades and textures that just stand out from the rest. Here is a peek at my much-loved Iced Amethyst: 

Yes, I love this lipstick shade. It just makes me feel good when I put it on! And I think at the end of the day....that is what makeup is meant to do. It's not just products we put on our face. It should give you that boost of confidence and that spring in your step. 

What do you think of this lipstick shade? Do you have go-to fall products?

xo Shannon


  1. this lipstick is fantastic! And you are wonderful <3

  2. Perfect shade for autumn!

    Check out my new post Here!!!

  3. Yeah here me....;) I've seen two lipstick colors by Clinique I am dying to get, so probably next Friday I'll take them home with me :) Shannon you look gorgeous and this lipstick color is awesome, maybe I need to buy three new lipsticks ;)

  4. Gorgeous shade and it suits you perfectly!

  5. fantastic make up
    would you like follow each other?
    pls let me know :*

  6. Nice shade. :)
    Would you like to follow each other? Just let me know, where (GFC, Bloglovin, Twitter) you are following, and I follow you back. :)

    P&P style ❤ ☯ ☮ --- DIY --- fashion --- and more --- ☮ ☯ ❤

  7. I love berry shades of lipstick! In fall, I like to use red lipsticks and have red nailpolish. But this fall, also shades of nude have intrigued me. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving me such a supporting comment :)

    E from Helsinki, Finland

  8. This shade looks gorgeous on you! :) x

  9. This shade looks amazing on you... Wow !!! Def a signature lip look.

  10. You look gorgeous, love the lipstick!


  11. Gorgeous shade of lipstick! Suits you well

    Made in Mauve

  12. Wonderful lipstick shade perfect on your lips!
    Love, Paola.
    My Facebook

  13. Nice makeup look!

    I am having a winter sweater giveaway. You should join!


  14. I love the smooth formulation of the Super Lustrous lipsticks :) This berry color looks great on you and I LOVE your eye makeup!

  15. Great post honey ;)

  16. Gorgeous, gorgeous tone!!


  17. Oh my gosh, yes yes yes! I love it on you! Such a great shade for Fall. I'm still wearing light colours because I'm not quite ready for vampy lips yet.

    Ivory Avenue

  18. So cool!

  19. omg love the color! amazing :)

  20. Ohhh, this is such a gorgeous colour on you! <3

  21. I LOVE fall makeup and right now I'm loving that lipstick, girl! Best, CD> ican'taffordmylifestyle


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