Saturday, November 1, 2014

i'm not getting older, i'm getting better.

You may remember a post I did last week about my birthday. Now that the dust has settled, I've finally had a chance to sit down and write about it all. I tend to get super excited about my birthday - booking the day off work, enjoying cake and presents, and making an excuse to see my friends and family as much as possible. This year was no different. It may not have been exactly what I'd been hoping for.....but parts of it were nice nonetheless,

It all started on Friday - my  birthday! Since I had the day off, I started off the day with a good workout. I was feeling great....until I came downstairs to find that my mom had come down with a cold. She was in a miserable mood. Alas! The bulk of my day was then spent doing my writing work. Sigh. Later in the evening, my family and I went out to dinner with my fiance to the local pub. It was a decent meal and it was nice to get out of the house for a bit. After that, we came home, opened a few presents, and ate some cake.

The next day, a couple of friends and I went downtown to go clubbing. I had really high hopes for the night, but it ended up not being my favourite experience. It's not a big deal - these things happen. It just felt a little disappointing. The theme of the night was Spice Girls. Since it was my birthday, I was Posh Spice, of course! That part of it was definitely fun. That day was spent catching up, getting ready, and doing a little bit of dancing.

These are a couple of pictures from my birthday....presents included!

I love birthdays. There is nothing better than getting out of your daily routine and letting loose. I am very grateful that I was able to do that this year - even if things weren't perfect.

xo Shannon


  1. Sorry to read that it wasn't what you expected. Shannon you look gorgeous, the makeup is divine. Some great present honey, totally in love with the clutch, should you ever get tired of it, well you know, just send it my way, I'll promise I will take good care of her ;)

  2. Congratulations once more! The presents look wonderful. I try not to have any expectations, as they sometimes tend to disappoint us and we are not able to enjoy experiences to the fullest. I'm sure all your loved ones felt that your birthday was important as do we blog readers :) Thanks for stopping by my blog Shannon!

    E from Helsinki, Finland

  3. Belated happy birthday Shannon! Sometimes it does happen that we expect a lot from a certain day or event but things don't go as planned. However, to make up for that, there are also days when we never expect anything fantastic yet the best things tend to happen :) I'm sure your birthday disappointments will get compensated and you'll have a fantastic day very soon! Love the house of harlow clutch!! :)
    Keep in touch

  4. Happy belated birthday.Sorry to hear its not as you expected
    Love your makeup.stunning

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I mist say that your makeup look that day was amazing, and Im so jealous about that cruiser, enjoy it!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Belated happy birthday love :* you look perfect and I love your presents :) Hope despite those bad things you still had fun :)


  8. Sorry to bear that your b-day isn't as you expected....
    Btw, your gifts are so lovely!
    Love, Paola.
    My Facebook

  9. So glad that you had such a fabulous birthday even of the night out wasn't all that you wanted. The dressing up as Spice Girls sounds so fun!!

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  10. Happy belated birthday, dear! With age comes wisdom, too. Kisses!

  11. ...happy bithday!!!...very pretty gifts:)!!!

  12. Parabéns atrasados!
    Obrigado pelo teu comentário no blog. Que fotos lndas. =)


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