Monday, November 3, 2014

the tones of gray, pale turquoise, and pink will prevail.

I love eyeshadow. A lot. Which explains how I have managed to collect so many eyeshadow palettes. Matte, shimmery, doesn't matter. I love them all. Recently, I added yet another eyeshadow palette into my collection. One day I stumbled across it - and I couldn't look away. I was immediately struck by the turquoise shade. Add in those beautiful green and golds and well, I was sold! 

This palette is from the Revlon PhotoReady Primer, Shadow + Sparkle collection in Pop Art. It includes three eyeshadow shades, a primer, and a shimmery topcoat. In this specific set, there was a yellow gold shade, a deep forest green, and a turquoise eyeshadow. Then there was a green glittery shade and the primer. Ready to take a closer look at this fun and functional drugstore set? This is Pop Art.....

As you can see from the picture above (and all of the swatches) the colours are quite pigmented. Let's start with the primer. Honestly? This doesn't do a lot. It has a powdery consistency rather than being a liquid or cream. The result? It feel more like you are layering shadows over top of a white eyeshadow. It doesn't do a lot for creasing, staying power, or intensity. So, I prefer to grab a primer from my existing makeup collection. While it's great that Revlon thought to include a primer in this set, it was a miss.

Now for those shadows! These I love. The colours are quite pigmented and have a great texture. They are easy to apply. They also last for quite a while without creasing - even without primer. The colours themselves are just as gorgeous as they appear in the packaging. They were very true to colour, which I appreciated. My favourite shade has to be that turquoise colour. How beautiful! Creating a pretty but colourful makeup look is easy with this kit at your disposal. 

Last up is the glitter top coat. Another fun addition to this palette. I really love the fact that Revlon (particularly with their PhotoReady line) has started to include useful extras and really consider the needs of the user. The top coat itself was quite pretty and added a lot of shimmer to the eye look. You can throw it on for evening or leave it off during the day time. I love that it manages to give this palette a little more diversity. That pale green is super pretty and goes well with all of the other shades.

After picking up this palette, I was so excited that I had to try it out right away. This is the makeup look that I came up with: 

Overall, I am very happy with this eyeshadow set. Revlon really put some thought into it! The colours are beautiful, I love the glitter top coat, and the primer idea was a great one. There are a number of other available colours to choose from as well if turquoise isn't your thing. I would highly recommend this drugstore steal!

What do you think of these colours? Have you tried any of the eyeshadow sets from Revlon?

xo Shannon


  1. Wow very great pigmentation, great makeup look!

    My Makeup Mémoire

  2. Fabulous makeup dear! I adore it! :)

  3. I have that Revlon eye shadow set and love it. You can jazz it up for a night out or make it more subtle for work. Your eyes look fantastic! I wish I could do mine like that. Great post.

    Jessica Blantonh

  4. Oh my gosh! That palette was made for you! I love the color combo. I actually don't wear eye shadow but I've been thinking about trying it out.

  5. I love the green, it looks great on you!

    xx Kelly
    Sparkles and Shoes

  6. This makeup makes your eyes POP! So pretty!

  7. Stunning!!! this is so funny, I've just was wondering if I should buy another eye pallete, and I really loved Revlon's ones so these post came right on time!

  8. That makeup looks gorgeous on you Shannon. Great colors.

  9. I love eyeshadow too and the look you've created with this palette is really gorgeous xx

    Angelica // One Little Vice

  10. Beautiful colors! This palette must have been made specifically for you.

  11. Wow, super pigmented! Love it - oh, and great review!

    Melane | Pure Perspective

  12. Lovely look!

  13. love the stunnin colors!!


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