Saturday, December 13, 2014

guest post: cruelty free makeup and finding the perfect purple.

Something that is not easy? Being a makeup lover and buying only cruelty free beauty products. While there are plenty of great makeup brands out there, certain companies choose to test on animals. This is an unfortunate reality. A friend of mine has a passion for makeup....and has made the conscious decision not to purchase products from companies that are not cruelty free. This is something I commend for her for! It takes a lot of time, energy, and research to fill your makeup collection with only cruelty free products.

I asked my friend to write a guest post for Mansa Fashion. Here she will tell you a little bit more about her hunt for the perfect purple (and cruelty free) lipstick. So, without further ado, this is Michelle's guest post:

Searching for a certain lipstick colour is hard - especially when you're against animal testing.  

The Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics brand is 100% cruelty free and is vegan. "This is awesome," I thought, since almost every brand Sephora sells is tested on animals.  

My goal that day in Sephora, was to find the perfect purple lipstick. I found the OCC Lip Tars that some people were talking about and reviewing on YouTube. I tried on a  light purple colour, but I didn't like how it looked. Then a staff member mixed that with a dark colour and it was actually really nice! The good thing about these lip tars are that you only need to use a little bit of the product. The downside is that it can be kind of hard to take off. 

I was so glad that I had finally found the perfect purple colour and that it's vegan and cruelty free. That is very important to me because I love animals. They don't have a voice, so we have to speak up for them. Seeing pictures of the poor rabbits who have been used for testing, just so we can look pretty, breaks my heart. Hopefully in the future there will be a world without animal testing. 

--- Michelle

I just wanted to thank Michelle for her wonderful guest post. It shows that with a little hard work and determination, anyone can find the perfect purple lipstick.

Do you try to buy cruelty free makeup products?

xo Shannon


  1. that's very interesting ! I've to admit I never thought about that in my shopping till now , from now I'll try to be more consciuos

    ciao ave.....

  2. This is so sweet. I am an animal lover and hate makeup products which are tested on animals. Michelle has taken such a good decision!

  3. Cruelty free products are not so easy to find but I'm trying!

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  4. Awesome post!
    thanks for sharing!

    Pearls and Roses

  5. I never really thought about cruelty free makeup. Are there any drugstore cruelty free brands?

    Follow for follow?

    1. Physician's Formula, e.l.f, Gosh (sold in shopper's drug mart), wet and wild, and at Wal Mart they sell Flower Beauty by Drew Barrymore & her products are cruelty free.

  6. Oh very interesting post

  7. great post! enter my giveaway! :)

  8. hey there :) cool post !its pretty!

    Visit my pages if you like and maybe you would like to follow each other? let me know and leave me your links

  9. Interesting post! Would you like to follow each other on GFC, Google+ and Bloglovin? Let me know at my blog. Keep in touch!

    With Love,
    Shikin Kikin
    Blog | Youtube | Bloglovin | Twitter

  10. I'm completerly agree with you, I'm not a beauty obsessed but when I have to buy products I try to find only free animal cruelty ones!


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