Monday, December 15, 2014

it is christmas in the heart that puts christmas in the air.

I love the Christmas season. It is possible that I love it a little too much, but hey - there is nothing wrong with that! In between work, seeing friends, and family traditions, I have been decorating up a storm. The house looks as close to perfect as it ever will. Since the holiday season has overwhelmed my life lately, I got super excited when I saw a Christmas tag on Laura's All Made Up. So, I decided to post the tag on my own blog. This is the Christmas tag....and I tag all of you to answer it for yourselves!

1) What is your favourite winter/Christmas scent?
Gingerbread! I just love the smell of gingerbread. So much so that I bought a bunch of gingerbread scented bulbs from Leyland & Bodyworks - along with gingerbread scented hand soap. Nothing says the holidays like gingerbread.

2) What is your favourite winter drink?
No doubt about it....white hot chocolate. My fiance and I go to Second Cup a few times each holiday season to treat ourselves with one of these. It is the perfect holiday beverage!

3) What is your favourite item of clothing to wear in the winter/near Christmas?
I actually have a ton of Christmas PJs, sweaters, and t-shirts. So, I like to spend the weeks leading up to Christmas decked out in holiday gear. It just makes me feel happy!

4) Favourite Christmas song?
Hanson's version of "O Holy Night." I remember listening to it over and over again when I was young. It still gives me goosebumps today.

5) Favourite Christmas movie? 
This one is tough because I am a Christmas movie addict. I will watch them over and over again and never grow tired of them! My favourite is probably Doug's Secret Christmas or Christmas With the Kranks. I love the Doug movie because my brother and I always watch it together. And I love Christmas With the Kranks because my mom and I always plan a special afternoon to watch it.

6) Are you on the naughty or nice list this year?
I'm pretty sure I am on the nice list! I can't think of anything too naughty that I've done....

7) Where do you usually spend Christmas? 
I always spend Christmas at home with my family. It is my parents, brother, sister, and I - and that is how I like it. When I was young, we used to go see extended family in the evening but now it is just my immediate family. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

8) Where do you wish you could spend Christmas? 
There is nowhere I would want to spend Christmas than at home with the people I love.

9) What is your favourite part of a Christmas dinner?
Mashed potatoes and stuffing. Yum!

10) What is your favourite thing about Christmas? 
This is a tough one because I genuinely love everything about the Christmas season. I love that warm fuzzy feeling when you are curled up on the couch watching a holiday movie. I love spending time with the people that matter most. I love the traditions, the decorations, the sights, and the smells. I love every single little thing about it.

If you haven't done this tag yet, give it a try! It is a great way to reflect on the magic of the holiday season. And if you end up doing the tag - let me know. I can't wait to see all of your answers.

How do you celebrate the holidays?

xo Shannon


  1. Love this TAG! I think I'm going to try and do this on the blog soon! O Holy Night is one of my faves!!

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  2. Fantastic post Shannon, and I Loooove Christmas too, it's the best time of year.

  3. I love this tag! I'm so excited for Christmas this year, I feel like such a child right now!

    Shannon at

  4. Lovely answers Shannon! Christmas is almost here! So excited :) I'm hosting a fabulous giveaway on my blog and would love it if you participated!! Check it out

  5. love this post, I love hearing about how everybody celebrates christmas, i'm definitely going to do this tag!

  6. I absolutely love this tag, nobody has tagged me but I may have to do it! I love gingerbread too, it immediately makes me feel festive :) I love Christmas so much, it's my favourite time of year by far!

    Meg at Meg Says

  7. Wonderful post. ;-)
    Lovely greets Nessa

  8. fun learning about you x

  9. Great tag!
    We watching movie together too.

  10. Awesome tag *_*

    Have a great day ahead,


  11. Great post hun! I can't believe it's nearly Christmas, it's so crazy to think that 2014 is nearly over.. I'm really excited for Christmas though! :)

    Take care always, love Christine ~ xx

  12. its amazing how at 1st of december we star feeling something magical that make us want to be more at this season , to fullfil our heart with the christmas spiriti. kisses

    Te espero en : Un Rincón Para Mis Botas blog

  13. Great post beauty, I love x-mas season too!!!
    Love, Paola.
    My Facebook

  14. Love this post! There's just something about Christmas that makes us feel good!

    Nikki Boucherica |


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