Wednesday, December 31, 2014

you can always change. become a better version of yourself.

So long 2014.....hello 2015. It's the end of another year. Somehow, the last twelve months have managed to fly by. They have been busy to say the least! Each month was full of concerts, special events, friends, family, and even an engagement. There is no doubt that this past year has been a memorable one for me personally. Even though it was full of a lot of work and sacrifice, it was also one of the most exciting I can remember.

There were a lot of highlights for me. The most notable? My boyfriend proposed to me this past summer. It was without a doubt the most incredible moment of my entire life. Since then, everything has kind of been a blur of plans, decisions, and thinking about the future. Because of that, I am now getting ready to start a whole new chapter in my life. So, I guess that I am feeling pretty optimistic (if not a little nervous!) about the coming year.

2015 is definitely going to be a big one. Like a lot of people, I have a few resolutions that I am hoping to achieve in the months that follow. Unlike previous years, this time I am keeping it simple. I actually came across a picture that perfectly represented my goals for the year ahead.....

Perfect, right? I think in the past I have made my resolutions far too complicated. Instead I am trying to take a step back and focus on the important things. Being healthy, being happy, and sharing love. I don't know what your resolutions are this year - but I hope the picture inspires you like it inspired me.

The start of a new year brings with it a raft of new hopes and dreams. To all of you out there, have fun celebrating the start of 2015.....and enjoy every moment of the year ahead.

How do you plan to celebrate New Years? Do you have any resolutions?

xo Shannon


  1. i love your look back on 2014! i wish you a very happy NYE and may 2015 be filled with more awesome adventures to share with the world!

  2. Beautiful post, Shannon. I wish you and your family lots of love, laughter and endless happiness in 2015
    ☆:*´¨`*:.•.¸¸.•´¯`•.♥ Happy New Year ♥.•´¯`•.¸¸.•..:*´¨`*:.☆

  3. Such a great post. I think everyone could follow those goals. I just found your blog and I am a follower now :) I cant wait to see what 2015 holds for you and your blog. Happy New Years!!!

    Juliana Grace |

  4. Wishing you a marvellous New Year :)

    Καλή Χρονιά!

  5. Oh very cute post sweetie
    My best wishes for you
    Happy New Year 2015

  6. Beautiful post! I quote you word by word! Happy new year!

  7. I am also following a few of these!
    Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog!
    I am now following back

  8. Aww it's so adorable that your boyfriend proposed to you! Hope you have a wonderful 2015 (: x

  9. Dear Shannon, this year I haven't made any specific resolution, I'll take it a step at a time. Looking forward to another year of your awesome posts :-)Baci,
    Coco et La vie en rose - Valeria Arizzi

  10. I love this post. Thanks for sharing and Happy New Year. Visit my blog for a chance to win Givenchy Aviator Sunglasses.

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  11. such a lovely post! happy new year

    from helen at

  12. So einen schönen Blog :)

    Liebe grüße


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