Wednesday, January 28, 2015

stars can't shine without darkness.

Lately I have been loving Kat Von D products more than usual. And I usually love them a lot. There is a good reason for this. I was given the Kat Von D Star Studded Look set over the holidays. So, it has given me the opportunity to try out some new things and get creative with my makeup. What did the set include? There was a bright red lipstick, an eyeliner pen, and a mascara.

In the past, I have been really please with the Kat Von D products I have tried. Gorgeous eyeshadow shades and great pigmentation at every turn. How did these products hold up? They certainly exceeded my expectations. Let's start with the eyeliner pen. The set came with a mini version of the Tattoo Liner in black. The pigmentation is quite good and the pen makes it super easy to apply. It has a little bend to it but it isn't too soft. That makes precise application a snap. I love using this if I am running late or need to do my makeup in a rush. Quick, easy, and looks great. There is nothing else I need from a liquid liner!

Now for the mascara. It is a full sized version of Immortal Lash 24/7 Mascara in black. A couple of years ago, I tried another mascara from Kat Von D and wasn't super happy with it. I found the formula to be quite wet. The Immortal Lash? So much better. It is still a bit wetter than I would like but it goes on beautifully and does a great job of adding thickness and volume to the lashes. One thing I really loved was the wand. As you can see from the picture below, it has spikey swirls going up the length and a rounded end. It is kind of like the Benefit They're Real! mascara in that aspect - which makes it super simple to get to the lower lashes.

The last part of this makeup set? The lipstick. I saved this one for last because I love this one the most! Sure, the eyeliner and mascara are great - but the lipstick is in a whole other league. I have a lot of red lipstick shades in my makeup collection. Some are high end and some are drugstore. Some are glosses and others are tints, balms, matte finish, and the list goes on. Despite all of the gorgeous reds.....I never found the one. Until now, that is. Let's take a look at my new favourite.

The moment I put on the Star Studded Kiss Lipstick in Underage Red, it was true love. The colour was just right. It had a matte finish but didn't feel super drying. It was intensely pigmented, long wearing, and shockingly easy to wear. I absolutely love it. In fact, I am already thinking about all of the different ways I can wear it. My love affair is real! Even just talking about the lipstick shade now makes me excited. So, are you ready to see it? Here is the makeup look I created using the products from the Kat Von D Star Studded Look set.

There is nothing quite as thrilling as falling in love with makeup products. The right shades can inspire you and make you excited to get ready each day. I was so impressed with the Kat Von D Star Studded Look set. Each and every item surpassed my expectations.

Have you tried anything from this set? What do you think of the lipstick shade?

xo Shannon


  1. Shannon that lipstick shade is TDF and it looks totally gorgeous on you. Love your complete makeup, awesome.

    1. Aww thank you so much! You are always so sweet <3

  2. I've got to agree with you on that lipstick! It's perfect for you. I do love Kat Von D lipsticks!

    1. Hers really are fab! I just love the colour selection.

  3. i love the title, shan! and your look <3

  4. Love that lipstick shade! Wish I wore makeup more often!

    Sam @ DIY Huntress

  5. Amazing eyes! :D

  6. you look so pretty! I've never tried this set and lipstick looks great on you

  7. You are soo pretty. Great photos and great post. I follow you, dear, on GFC and g+, could you follow back, pls. Kiss

  8. Omgosh I loveeee that lipstick shade! It's so pretty!


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