Wednesday, January 14, 2015

true happiness is an acceptance of life as it is given to us.

I have this tradition. Every year before the holidays, I buy myself one from my wishlist. It might be small or inexpensive - or it might be a little more extravagant. It really depends. Why do I do it? I think it is important to treat ourselves every now and again. And the holiday season is the perfect excuse to do just that. This year? I went for a little something from Bare Minerals. I was actually at Sephora shopping for a gift for my mom. And then I saw it. The Happy Place Ready Eyeshadow quad. The moment my eyes fell on those eyeshadow shades, I knew it was the one. I guess you could say it was love at first sight! There was something about the bold neutrals that made me positively giddy.

The packaging was just like the other Bare Minerals products I have tried. Sleek and simple. The only thing I don't happen to like about the packaging is that it tends to get fingerprints all over it. And those fingerprints are hard to wipe off. But that is a minor issue considering the shadows themselves are so wonderful. I have a couple of other products from Bare Minerals in my makeup collection I knew what to expect in terms of the quality and texture. The shadows from The Happy Place palette held up to my expectations. They are quite pigmented, buttery soft, and easy to blend. I absolutely love using them.

As for the colours, they definitely represent my happy place. I am a big fan of smokey neutral shades. Browns, blacks, navy, bronze, and the like. Those are my favourite kind of eyeshadows to create makeup looks with. I just love the drama! It comes with four colours: Peace (a muted apricot), Exhale (a rose gold), Imagine (a taupe), and Euphoria (an eggplant). I love the combination of the browns and bronzes. The shades are so warm and inviting. Ready to take a peek? This is Bare Minerals The Happy Place - and the makeup look I created with it.

It may seem a little strange to buy yourself something before Christmas....but I am very happy that I did. This eyeshadow palette is absolutely gorgeous. Easy to use, great texture, and absolutely beautiful. Lately, I have been gravitating for this palette a lot. It is great for the days when you want something simple and pretty. This is one I would highly recommend.

Have you tried this makeup palette? What do you think of the shades?

xo Shannon


  1. ...beautiful shades in this palette!!!!!!
    beautylove le mie follie

  2. Beautiful photos, great review!
    I'm glad I discovered your blog!
    Would you like us to follow eachother on GFC?
    Keep in touch!
    xo from Italy,
    Sonia Verardo

  3. I love this palette of mineral eyeshadows, the colors are my favorite.

  4. adoro i trucchi di Bare Minerals e tu sei bellissima!

  5. loved his shade
    and I loved ur title

  6. Haven't tried this palette, it looks great! Thanks for sharing! Now following via GFC!

  7. That palette is absolutely beautiful! Love the colors, deep and earthy tones.. so perfect :)

    Take care always, love Christine ~ xx

  8. I wish I got excited over make up - I just don't have a really good grasp on how to do it to myself! I love the way your eyes look though :)Love, love, love it!


  9. I buy myself a treat every year, too! I love the look of this palette, and I'm with you on the shades you favour, they're my go-to range as well. It looks really lovely on you!
    Emily | MISS BLACK

  10. Nice make up look! It is so classy yet elegant *__*
    love it so much! Shame on me that I can't do my own make up :(

    Check out my blog, I just posted a new entry yesterday :)

    From Bali, Indonesia - Imme

  11. Oh very cute palette!

  12. The shades are gorgeous and the make up really lovely!
    About you habit to buy a gift by yourself ... I think it's really a good idea!

  13. Thanks for recommendation, you did a great job with this palette. Colors perfectly suits you. xoxo

  14. You look fantastic with the makeup, Shannon, thx for a great review.

  15. Very pretty palette Shannon! Hope you have a good day dear and thanks for swinging by earlier!
    xx Easy Outfits, by Pip

  16. You did great utilising the palette ! The look is perfect on you :)

  17. very nice eyeshadows. You are always stunning :)

  18. Very pretty palette and you look absolutely beautiful honey!


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