Thursday, February 12, 2015

a professional writer is an amateur who didn't quit.

It's strange. My whole life I have always wanted to be a writer. I suppose I had this vague notion of what it would be like. Every day, I would wake up, turn on my computer, and write the day away. As a child, I wasn't sure if I would write novels, work for a newspaper, or write for a magazine. What I did know? Writing would be my career. No matter what. I never thought about how much money I would make or how I would gauge success. I just wanted to write. Now that I am older, I have learned that achieving that vague notion? It is going to take an awful lot of hard work and determination.

I have been freelance writing for four years. Constantly applying for jobs, tweaking my resume, writing articles upon articles upon articles, handling social media, going for interviews, submitting's exhausting! But I know that each and every step I take is getting me a tiny bit closer to the dream I had when I was young. Even now, I still believe all of the hard work will pay off. I still believe it is possible to achieve those impossible dreams. I guess that belief is what keeps me going when my schedule is crazy. When I cancel plans to work. When I feel overwhelmed. Ultimately, I think whatever career path you choose to pursue - determination is everything.

On that note! I thought I would post a few of the articles I have written lately. While I write about a wide range of topics (everything from roofing shingles to travel tips to lifestyle), I thought I would post a few related to fashion and beauty. So, here goes....

Loxa Beauty
Beauty No-No: Falling Asleep In Your Makeup
Creating Fuller Looking Lips In Minutes
5 Must Haves For Your Purse

Style It Rock It
Your Guide To Wearing Marsala Right
The Most Buzzworthy Moments From Paris Fashion Week
Celebrity Looks For Less: Taylor Swift

Passport Diva
Tips To Enjoy a Healthy Life While Travelling
Packing 101: To Shoe or Not To Shoe? 

Pretty Diaries
How Meghan Trainor Is Inspiring Body Confidence
Beauty By The Numbers

Daily Beauty Blog
Full Face Look: Kat Von D Products
All About Graphic Liner

So! That is a tiny peek at a bit of the writing I have been doing over the last few weeks. I have definitely been doing my best to stay busy and further my career. Who knows what the future has in store for my writing career. For now, I am doing my best, working hard, and hoping things will eventually fall into place. Writing is my passion. Even though I may lose it from time to is what I want to do with my life. And I know that will never change.

What is your passion? Do you have a dream job?

xo Shannon


  1. Your writing is always a pleasure to read. I hope that you manage to get where you want to be sooner rather than later! Shannon at xx

  2. Thanks for sharing this post, and your written work. :) I'll take a peek.

  3. It's so exciting to see your work published. I want to be a buyer. Such as for a business. Like maybe box stores.

  4. That's so cool. I love to read the pieces you write.

  5. I like your writing too. :) Lots of luck!

  6. I loved this post so much...:) I also like to write and take pictures for living :) I hope all our dreams come true.
    Happy Valentines Day in advance.

    Stay in touch..!!

  7. Love the way you write! Its do hard to write something that is good to read, not boring and with nice content!
    Kisses dear! ♥

  8. Good luck with that. In December I released my first jewelry book and I can say that it was a really hard work. I've never thought about being an author, but once understand that it would be nice to share my experience with other people. And I understand you very well.
    Margo Raffaelli

  9. it's important to never give up on our dreams <3

    Alice's Pink Diary

  10. I just read several of these articles and they are great!! Keep up the good work and don't let anything get you down!! xoxo

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  11. Grt that u made ur dream cum true
    Do chek my new blogpost dear

  12. Happy Valentine's Day ! Great Post !
    Would u like to follow each other ??





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