Tuesday, February 10, 2015

there are always flowers for those who want to see them.

Flower Beauty. I swear, I cannot get enough of it lately. Perhaps this is because it is the first time (in a very long time) that a new brand has actually hit the drugstore here in Canada. For years it has been the same old things: Maybelline, L'Oreal, Cover Girl, Hard Candy, Revlon. With the somewhat recent launch of Flower Beauty, makeup fans are going crazy. The products have been flying off of the shelves at my local drugstore. Despite this, I have been lucky enough to try out more than my fair share. Some of them I picked up on my own and others I was given as gifts around the holidays.

The latest that I am reviewing? Eye 2 Eye. This is a double ended product. It has a felt-tip eyeliner pen on one end and a mini mascara on the other end. The concept itself is genius. It is the perfect product to take on the go, throw in your makeup bag, or minimize clutter in your makeup drawer. As you can see from the picture above, it looks like a regular felt-tipped eyeliner pen. The only difference? There is a mascara included on the other end as well. Want to take a closer look? Here is a peek at both sides uncapped!

There is no doubt about it: this is a seriously handy product. It is a great way to be prepared wherever you are. Or just speed up your morning makeup routine! The concept? Absolutely flawless. So, how did the products themselves hold up? Let's start with the eyeliner. This was a definite win. Even though the colour itself wasn't ultra black, the product was super easy to use. The pen applicator was firm, which makes cat-eye liner a snap. Total bonus first thing in the morning!

As for the mascara, this was less of a win. I absolutely love the idea of including a mascara. Unfortunately, the mascara itself wasn't fantastic. I found the formula to be quite wet - which makes it a bit messy to apply. The mascara wand was nothing special and it actually made it difficult to coat my lashes properly. When it comes to lashes, I like them big and bold....and this mascara just didn't make that happen. Everyone has their own preferences though. So for some, this mascara might be fantastic. For me? Not so much. Despite this, I still love the concept and think this is a wonderful product to throw into your purse.

Ready to see the look I created using the Eye 2 Eye from my new favourite drugstore brand, Flower Beauty? Here is it....

There is something exciting about new brands. And something especially exciting about products that can save you time and space. While the mascara may not have been my favourite....the overall concept behind this product was a major win. I absolutely love it! It definitely makes me excited to try out new things from Flower Beauty in the future.

Have you tried this product before? Do you own any double ended beauty products?

xo Shannon


  1. The liner looks great!

    Check out my new post Here!!!

  2. Gorgeous makeup as always, Shannon. We share the same taste in mascara. I am still a fan of Miss Manga L'Oreal. Every double ended one I tried out was disappointing, tho.

  3. Never heard of this product, it looks cool and an original idea anyway ! Kisses

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  4. Nice post!
    Check my blog:

  5. I adore the lay out of your blog, very professional! This eyeliner looks fabulous, I think I may just give it a go upon your recommendation! Keep blogging.
    ~Jessica Blanton from myturquoisesummerdress.blogspot.co.uk

  6. so great! ^^


  7. trying new products is exciting indeed! and your makeup is fabulous as always!

    a possible fantasy

  8. Beautiful makeup! :D
    Check out my blog too! www.blushingbea.blogspot.ca

  9. Wow...this definitely looks like something I would love to keep when I'm travelling! :) Unfortunately, I doubt we are able to find this brand here :( But love your review :) I shall check it out on amazon if they do have it :)


  10. Beaut make up dear <3


  11. Your make up is very very nice!the name of your blog is almost the same as the title of my post yesterday ;) www.gouttesdevanite.blogspot.it

  12. looks like a cool product x


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