Saturday, March 21, 2015

a brush is just a brush until you use it to create something.

I don't often buy things for display. Especially when it comes to makeup and beauty products. Nine times out of ten, I pick things that are functional. Things that I can incorporate into my every day routine. But every now and again, I come across something so beautiful that I simply cannot bear to use it! While this isn't something I do often, I completely and totally fell in love with a brush from Flower Beauty.

What was it about this brush? For starters, the foundation brush had ultra thick bristles. Unlike most of the other foundation brushes I have had over the years, there was so much thickness that I could just imagine the product spreading seamlessly across the skin. (Not that I am planning to use it in the near future....but still!) The bristles were white and faded into a darker colour. It looked elegant, beautiful, and the texture was nice and soft.

As for the rest of the brush, I love that it stands up. All on its own. Unlike the rest of my brushes that get stored in cups and containers, this one requires nothing but a flat surface. It features a wide base on the bottom and a thick handle. That makes it so easy to stand up and show off on your vanity. The black and gold combination looks elegant, sophisticated, and effortlessly beautiful. I absolutely love the way it looks - from top to bottom!

It is rare that I fall in love with a makeup brush the way I have. There is something about the quality, appearance, and overall usefulness that is totally out of this world. I think Flower Beauty has an awful lot of stand out items in their collection. This brush is definitely one of them.

Have you tried any of the Flower Beauty makeup brushes?

xo Shannon


  1. Sounds like a fantastic one, Shannon, No I haven't tried any of those brushes.

  2. nice idea!
    it looks great beauty product!
    thanks for sharing dear

  3. ;Looks interesting! I must try it :)

    I hope that you visit my blog too and maybe follow: SPIKED-SOUL.BLOGSPOT.COM :)
    Have a nice day!

  4. I haven't heard of these, but I will look into them :)

  5. Wow sounds like a great brush .

  6. Sounds cool! x
    (Follow for follow? Let me know)

  7. hello dear I love your blog :) new follower please follow back ;)

  8. Love the title of this post, and it's so true ! I need new brushes, by the way =)

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  9. Nice post! loving the caption aand review!
    i love your blog, follow for follow? let me know.

  10. nice post


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