Friday, March 27, 2015

creating a rocker ponytail with halo hair

Hair is something I have been thinking a lot about lately. At the moment, my hair has reached that strange half-grown out phase. That leaves me two options: get it cut shorter and cleaned up or keep letting it grow. With my wedding coming up this summer, I am opting for the latter. While I wait? I have been looking into hair extensions. I really wanted a way to add some length - at least until I my hair grows out again! Thankfully, I was able to try Halo Hair Extensions. 

This was a totally new experience for me. In the past, I have tried clip-in extensions for a night out...but nothing more than that. Halo Hair Extensions were very different. In a good way! I tend to struggle getting clip-in pieces to stay put. That was what I loved about the design of these. They have an innovative concept that gets rid of clips, tape, glue, and all the rest. The design itself has an adjustable clear band (aka the "miracle wire") and the hair is attached. It slips onto your head and you simply pull the top layer of your hair through. The idea instantly wowed me. Which is why I used it to create a rocker inspired ponytail for an evening look!

Take a look at how it turned out....and then I will walk you through the process.

As you can see from the picture above, I really wanted to do something dramatic, edgy, and fun. That is why I paired this hairstyle with dark smokey eye makeup and a sultry red lip. Love! Now for the hair itself....I started by separating my hair into two sections: a top section and bottom section. I clipped the top section out of the way and then tied the bottom layer into a ponytail. Next up, it was time to use my Halo Hair Extensions. 

I put it on top of that bottom ponytail then unclipped the top layer down. From there, I scooped up my hair and put it into a high ponytail. Then it was time for the finishing touches. I used the pointy end of the comb to create a bit of volume on top. Then I teased the length to give it a messy, rocker inspired look. I finished it all off with a bit of hairspray and was ready to go! Overall, I absolutely loved the way this hairstyle turned out. It was so much fun to create - and it was really easy. I found the hair extensions to be easy to use and so so soft. I was definitely impressed.

Here are a few more picture of my rocker ponytail. Let me know what you think of it:

Doing something different with my hair? Fun. Having options while my hair grows out? Even better. I was so happy with the way my hair looked. It was an instant boost of confidence. I had a lot of fun getting creative and trying something new. Only time will tell what look I will try out next.....

To find out more about Halo Hair Extensions, be sure to check out their website:

Have you tried Halo Hair Extensions before? What type of extensions do you use?

xo Shannon


  1. Wow you look amazing! It's a shame I never get red extensions... :/

  2. Ponytale is my favorite hairstyle ever! And you made it even more perfect!


  4. This is such a cute pony, it looks great on you!

  5. lovely!!

  6. So pretty!


  7. WOW, it looks really cool !

  8. This looks nice! :D Looks quite natural too!

  9. Oh very interesting sweetie

  10. You are wonderful *__* and I love big and long hair ;)


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