Wednesday, March 25, 2015

don't wait for the perfect moment. make the moment perfect.

Some weeks are busier than others. The slower weeks are a blissful time to reduce my stress levels. The busier weeks? Those are long and draining. Last week was one of those crazy busy, too much going on, endless to-do list kind of weeks. It was exhausting. Parts of it were good....great even....and other parts just left me totally exhausted. In between a mountain of work, there were also a number of personal get togethers and events. Like celebrating St. Patrick's Day with a friend, going to see Frozen On Ice with my mom, apartment viewings with my fiance (and getting the apartment we wanted! Yay!), and heading to a friends party.

Yes, this past week has been pretty hectic. Since I am the type of person who likes schedules, planning, and routine, it is always a little tricky when a bunch of things disrupt that. Despite all of the stress and everything else....there were a lot of highlights. So, I thought I would share a few pictures from the week. Take a look!

St. Patrick's Day Celebrations included: a few drinks, a movie, and a chance to catch up and socialize. Oh, and plenty of green! 

Frozen On Ice included: an afternoon of shopping with my mom, lots of cotton candy, and the best snowman ever....Olaf! 

A friends party included: lots of lashes, glitter eyeshadow, big hair, and of course, some good company.

Last week was definitely more jam-packed than usual. In some ways that was a good thing. I had a lot of fun letting loose, being social, and making memories. On the other hand? I definitely hope this week will be a lot more low key.....

What has your week been like so far? How are you keeping busy?

xo Shannon


  1. I love your post title, it's so true, Shannon. We shouldn't wait for perfect moments......You look gorgeous, btw!

  2. The title <3 the Frozen on ice seems so funny!
    Love your makeup looks <3

    Love from VOH!

  3. I love your look! You look gorgeous. Frozen on ice sounds amazing

    Casey - ATopsyTurvyBlog

  4. I'm so glad you got the apartment you want! Yay!

  5. You are so good with make-up Shannon! I love it. Good thing you enjoyed your week even though it was busy!!

  6. The makeup is so on point! Love the look :)

  7. Such a great post dear. Both makeup look amazing.
    Have a beautiful day.

  8. Love your makeup looks! The bottom pictures are my favorite

  9. You look fab in all these looks:) And yeah...crazy weeks are tiring, but it's good to hear yours was crazy good:D

  10. Nice make up ;) I hope that you will show us your new apartment! ;)
    Have nice evening

  11. Great post
    Love the way you did your makeup.Especially in the first pictures

  12. Beautiful make up! I'm your new follower, kiss

  13. beautiful look and makeup for St. Patrick!

  14. Busy but happy, that's all that matters :) And frozen on ice looked amazing! Kisses
    Ps: Susana Bettencourt is a well known portuguese designer, it seems that Lady Gaga already bought pieces from her, you should check her amazing works if you liked those photos in my post :)

  15. Busy but happy, that's all that matters :) And frozen on ice looked amazing! Kisses
    Ps: Susana Bettencourt is a well known portuguese designer, it seems that Lady Gaga already bought pieces from her, you should check her amazing works if you liked those photos in my post :)

  16. Busy but happy, that's all that matters! And Frozen On Ice looked amazing!
    PS: Susana Bettencourt is a well known portuguese designed who already sold pieces to Lady Gaga, if you liked those photos, you should check for more! :)


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