Monday, March 2, 2015

i blush just by thinking about you.

A little while back, I put a cap on myself. Not necessarily for makeup in general....but for blush. Why did I do it? Quite frankly, I have a fairly substantial collection of blush shades. By now, I must have every version of pink, rose, coral, peach, and brown there is! Then I came across a selection of E.l.f. products. More specifically, the HD Studio Blush. I was instantly intrigued by the formula and that rich colour. With a price tag of just $3, I decided that it couldn't hurt to give it a whirl. Despite my self-imposed blush ban.

Honestly? I love a good blush. There is something about the way gorgeous rosy cheeks look that just makes me happy. To say I am a blush addict would be nothing short of an understatement. Which means that I simply could not resist trying out the E.l.f. HD Studio Blush in Superstar. So, was it worth breaking the ban? Did it live up to my expectations?

Yes, yes, and yes. I was totally blown away by this product. The blush shade itself is rich, warm, and easy to wear. I just loved the way it complimented a ton of different makeup looks. Natural, smokey, and everything in between. It just worked. As for the consistency, it is creamy and blends beautifully onto the skin. The end result was a soft dewy finish. Totally gorgeous!

The product comes out of the pump on top. It was very simple and straightforward to apply. I simply dabbed the product onto the apples of the cheeks and blended it out with my small stippling brush. I absolutely love the ease of application and the stunning colour payoff. The only thing to be mindful of with this product? Less is more. Even a tiny dab is more than enough to give your cheeks plenty of pop! So, it is better to build up the product than go totally overboard.

Ready to take a look at the E.l.f. HD Studio Blush in action? This is the makeup look I created using the product.....

Overall, this blush was a major hit for me. I love the texture, blendability, colour, pigmentation....absolutely everything! The price is super affordable and the quality is top notch. In general, I find that E.l.f. products are a bit of a hit or miss - but this one hit it out of the park. This is one that I would definitely recommend.

Have you tried any of the blush shades from this line?

xo Shannon


  1. I knew about E.l.f. but have never tried any of their products. This blush looks cute on you! *.*
    Love from VOH!

  2. ...lovely blush and beautiful makeup!!!!!!
    beautylove le mie follie

  3. Great post

    New post in

  4. I love how natural it is, E.l.f. has amazing products!

  5. Never tried before, but I think I will: looks great on you!
    Fabrizia - Cosa Mi Metto???

  6. Great review! This looks like an amazing blush - especially for its price *u* I've got to try this out~ thank you for sharing ^^
    ~Kiyomi <3

  7. Love your makeup, dear. Your eyes are perfect. Thanks for visiting my blog and keeping in touch. Kiss

  8. It looks great! Kisses!

  9. Great review and amazing product ;)

  10. Hello pretty :)
    nice blog and this is looks great
    I follow you and if you want visite my blog
    kisses :)

  11. cute
    new post :

  12. looks so pretty on you!

    City Style

  13. This looks perfect. I love blush and am searching for a good one right now... Lost my previous blush by Clinique on the bus... So sad

  14. Thanks, dear, for visiting my blog. I love your posts a lot too. Keep in touch pls.

  15. Wow ,you look amazing! Love the Shade ,great Blush :)


  16. this is a gorgeous color! i love coral. so far the only blush i've tried is when i use benefit's lip tint which also can be used as a cheek tint. This reminds me of their cha cha tint which is a coral color.

  17. Oh wow, what a lovely shade! It looks amazing on you! :)

    xo Mel || Sketch & Scribbles

  18. oi amore tdo bem? amo os produtos da ELF são mto bons e o blush ficou mto lindo em você, ficou super natural... amore um bejo até mais..


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