Monday, March 23, 2015

put on some lipstick and live a little.

I have tried more than one or two lip products in  my life. The exact number? I can't even imagine. Lately I have been on a total lip colour frenzy. There is something about the arrival of spring (it's coming.....I know it is coming.....!) that is making me absolutely and completely obsessed with lipstick. New shades, new textures, new products. I can't get enough of them. During my recent drugstore haul, I decided to pick up the Cover Girl Outlast All Day Lip Colour in the shade Coral. Out of all the drugstore brands, Cover Girl is not one I have a lot from. But I decided to give this product a chance. And I am so glad that I did.

What drew me in was the all day claim. I am always looking for lip products that last. I am not the kind of girl to re-apply my lipstick throughout the day. I am more of a set it and forget it type. There is nothing I hate more than worrying that my face isn't holding up! Which is why this particular lip product was so intriguing. It came with a highly pigmented gloss and a balm to go over top. Basically, you apply the lip colour, let it sit for a full minute, and then apply the lip balm over top. Here is a closer look at the two lip products....

What surprised me the most about this lip product? That lip colour! The coral was highly pigmented, had this gorgeous sheen, and went on so smoothly. It was actually hard for me to believe that this was so affordable. I was just blown away by the rich colour and ease of use. In terms of colour and application? Absolutely wonderful. In terms of longevity? I loved it just as much. While it did not last for the "up to 24 hours" it claimed on the box, it did last. The colour stayed on my lips for about six hours without budging. That is more than enough to keep me happy! I was so so impressed with the quality. (So much so that I ended up picking up another shade from this line later on.)

Are you ready to take a look at this lip colour in action? This is the look I came up with to showcase that gorgeous coral shade.....

Great pigmentation, a beautiful colour, smooth texture, long lasting, and easy to wear. What more could a makeup lover ask for? I was pleasantly surprised by the Cover Girl Outlast All Day Lip Colour. While it didn't last for 24 was gorgeous and had great longevity for a lip product. I absolutely love the way I feel wearing it.

What do you think of this shade? Have you tried any of the colours from this line?

xo Shannon


  1. Seams a great product and it looks great on you, always beautiful! ;) Kisses

  2. it looks really nice, the pigment is great!

  3. That's such a perfect color on you! Love how it makes you even more radiant.. gorgeous shade :)

    Take care always, love Christine ~ xx

  4. Wow!!! This sounds amazing! And looks absolutely gorgeous on u!!!!

  5. oh look so amazing!
    welcome to my blog♥

  6. Nice..... and you look amazing

  7. Such a lovely colour! Looks amazing on you!

    XO Imke

  8. I wish Covergirl was sold on my country !

  9. Já ouvi falat muito bem desta marca, tenho curiosidade sobre ela. =)

  10. Great post

    New post in

  11. I've been looking for a good orange-y color. This looks fab on you!
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  12. ...beautiful shade...I love coral for spring/summer!!!!!!
    beautylove le mie follie

  13. Sooo nice shade :D :D I'm following you on GFC, I would be honored if you follow back :D


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